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Author:  Keyser [ Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  EPIC GAME FAIL

I was battling with ugly_pug in the Beta league.

My connection spazzed, and I was no longer connected to the server. I know this because I sent the typical "lag test" message in the lobby and it didn't post. Usually, when this happens, I simply refresh the web page.

When I logged back into the far wilds, no game in progress popped up. When I clicked "rejoin" the Beta league, it brought me to the army selection screen, and gave me a list of all my armies (not the Beta league armies I had made, but ALL my usual armies).

I selected one of them, and NOTHING happened.

ugly_pug said it showed me out of time but not afk.

He then resigned from the game, and I tried to get in again, and now I can see the normal Beta lobby... sounds like a bug.

Author:  Ugly_Pug [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC GAME FAIL

It's happened twice more for me in Beta games.
- Against Practice (he got booted out)
- Against SarsAI (I got booted out)

Dunno... maybe it's just me


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