VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..
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Author:  UBER [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

Award 1:
Best New Card Art

Slate Hut
Castle Dunmar
Seething Archosaur

Award 2:
Coolest Card for Both Sets

Foreshadowing Ragnarok
Foreshadowing Ragnorok (It looks awesome when played)

Award 3:
Strongest New Card

Osin Faith Healer (I would say Creeping Gloom but I'm thinking it will probably be nerfed, so I left it out)
Gaze of the Tyrant
Marauding Puddle

Award 4:
Best Domain

Best as in strongest, DL or Chaos.
Mountain Folk
Sylavan DUH

Award 5:
Best New Domain

Chaos is stronger IMO

Award 6,7,8,9:
Best Spell, Building, Enchant, Creature for Both Sets

Soul Plague, Mud Shelter, Training, Craig Scout
Hill Giant Contractors, Ord Stone, Training, Galom's Prospectors
Cloudburst, Magnemite Beacon, Knight of Celedor, Marauding Puddle

Award 10:
Card Congeniality (Weakest Card)

Water Weird?
Water Weird


Put on your dress shoes and black ties and dust off your keyboard. The red capet is out and people are placing their votes.

This thread is only for people who read the entire forum, or part of the forum or not at all.

01000100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00111111

People CAN make up their own awards however they must be numbered and they can NOT have the same number. So if one person makes award 11 and another makes award 11, the second award 11 wont be given acknowledment.

All votes will be copy pasted under the award the vote applies to and given a number on how many votes its recieved.

Its not neccesary to vote on every award.

Do not try to re-light a fuse that fails to ignite the device.


Author:  emancipate [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

I vote ulg turtle for the seed set, and stench cow. I'm still hoping for a bovine domain.

Author:  UBER [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

Lol, for which do you vote them.

Its simple you can just be like,

Ulg turtle for 1,

Stench cow for 2


Author:  emancipate [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

hmm how could one chose? ;)

Author:  headshot [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

Award 1:
Best New Card Art: Slate Hut

Award 2:
Coolest Card for Both Sets: Meld

Award 3:
Strongest New Card: Osin Faith Healer (I would say Creeping Gloom but I'm thinking it will probably be nerfed, so I left it out)

Award 4:
Best Domain: Best as in strongest, DL or Chaos.

Award 5:
Best New Domain: Chaos is stronger IMO

Award 6,7,8,9:
Best Spell, Building, Enchant, Creature for Both Sets: Soul Plague, Mud Shelter, Training, Craig Scout

Award 10:
Card Congeniality (Weakest Card): Water Weird?

Author:  KrazieOrk [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

1. Castle Dunmar
2. Foreshadowing Ragnarok
3. Gaze of the Tyrant
4. Mountain Folk
5. Chaos
6. Hill Giant Contractors
7. Ord Stone
8. Training
9. Galom's Prospectors
10. Cyclododo

Author:  UBER [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

Award 1:
Best New Card Art
Seething Archosaur

Award 2:
Coolest Card for Both Sets
Foreshadowing Ragnorok (It looks awesome when played)

Award 3:
Strongest New Card
Marauding Puddle

Award 4:
Best Domain
Sylvan DUH

Award 5:
Best New Domain

Award 6,7,8,9:
Best Spell, Building, Enchant, Creature for Both Sets
Cloudburst, Magnemite Beacon, Knight of Celedor, Marauding Puddle

Award 10:
Card Congeniality (Weakest Card)
Water weird

Author:  nayen [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

Award 1:
Best New Card Art
Castle Dunmar

Award 2:

Award 3:
Osin Faith Healer (I would say Creeping Gloom but I'm thinking it will probably be nerfed, so I left it out)

Award 4:
Mountain Folk

Award 5:
Celestial imperium :D

Award 6,7,8,9:
Best Spell, Building, Enchant, Creature for Both Sets

Mud Shelter,
Hill Giant Contractors,
Marauding Puddle

Award 10:
Card Congeniality (Weakest Card)
Water Weird

Author:  Sunyaku [ Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

New Category: The Awesome Award

...which would go to "Duchess of Dunmar"... as she has the power to turn dudes, nasty chicks, or creatures of all different species into hot chicks.

Author:  angelatheist [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE- Borderlands and Seed- The best new..

1. Art: Char
2. Coolest: Char
3. Strongest: Faceless Lord
4. Domain: Chaos
5. New Domain: Chaos
6. Spell: Mind Transplant
7. Building: Ord Stone
8. Enchantment: Psychotic Break
9. Creature: Faceless Lord
10. Reconstruction

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