why are cards, broken, unbalanced?
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Author:  emancipate [ Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  why are cards, broken, unbalanced?

Why are cards broken or unbalanced? Well isn't that the reason for factions so it would be different from other domains? So, one domain would be strong in one aspect and other domains would be strong in another? Cards would always feel unbalanced if people get beaten by it day in day out, but from what I've seen the simplest deck makes it to the top. There are nasty combos out there, which should be expected from uncommons and rares. But come on, take it as a challenge to make something better to beat it. My current deck which to those who play EC's know I have been using that mix ever since I started, kept its essence yet evolved to fight other deck types. It originally was made to fight Cavetrol's building spam deck because at the time it had the strongest attack boosters in the game that was cheap too for a free player. I had rebuilt that deck every time I lose to a certain type of combo or deck. Rebuilding the deck was fun, until one day I beat Cavetrol's building deck once. Winning that game made me addicted to this game not because of the nice pretty pictures and the strategy involved which is unlike any other game I had encountered, it was the satisfaction of beating a guy who spent time and designing an almost perfect deck. We all see decks evolve as people buy new cards or new releases are made. I just hope that when cards have been out for awhile it would be locked and finalized. And to those who can't seem to deal with certain cards try take it as a challenge to build better decks to fight it. It can be done with just a little imagination.

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