most freaking domain EVER
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Author:  Zurken [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  most freaking domain EVER

always when you will feel really bad, look into this thread. You will realize what does actually BAD mean.
jed getting some kind of .. hmm.. more merciful RNG for me next time would be REALLY appreacited!

what I got for 950 gold:

Buildings: (18x)
1x Loxlorn Globe
2x Slate Hut
1x Ord Stone
2x Flux Capacitor
2x Walled Outpost
3x Earthworks
3x Steam Charge
3x Magnetite Beacon
1x Storm Factory

Creatures: (36x)
1x Nightfall Bounty Hunter
1x Dimwitted Manticore
1x Tamed Frost Wyrm
1x Geomantic Trickster
2x Gully Slingers
1x Astridian Diplomat
1x Craig Scout
1x KDPW Levy Corps
1x Hadth, Drill Sergeant
1x Crushing Wheel
4x Animate Boulder
1x Tangler
1x Lawn Gargoyle
3x Constable of Glorn
1x Blunderbuss Squad
2x Clay Ram
2x Brawn Ox
4x Stone Mason
3x Apprentice Timesap
1x Epic Veteran
3x Home Guard

Enchants: (15x)
3x Flash Powder
1x Tales of Yore
1x Horns to Hide
1x Training
4x Mountain Blessing
1x Rune of Shielding
3x Bard's Inspiration
1x Benefits of Wisdom

Spells: (21x)
2x Avalanche
1x Disenchant
3x Downpour
2x Volcano
1x Blueprint
1x Uplifted Earth
1x Earthquake
2x Smoke and Soot
1x Sinkhole
2x Negate
2x Reconstruction
3x Manipulation

Total: 90

will point out the rares:
Earthquake *1
Tamed Frost Wyrm *1
Bard's Inspiration *3
Storm Factory *1

should anyone think it's worthy of counting total value he might do it .. I seriously doubt it will get over 300gp..

+Negate and Ord Stone came in the very last pack.
just... WTF?? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

it REALLY reminds me the domain where I got Lava Blister 1*, Bard's Inspiration 2* and Tamed Frost Wyrm 2*, but there I at least got Hadarck's Throne in the last pack ..

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