New Script/Tournament Idea
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Author:  Atahualpa [ Thu May 13, 2010 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  New Script/Tournament Idea

This was inspired by queeshai's 2v2 script and his card restrictions (whee). Also by the numerous complaints about DL's overpoweredness (is that a word?) as well as the abrupt departure of my most frequent opponent and someone I respect much, themist.

First some background story... In another online TCG that I used to play, there would be week-long tournaments where one entire faction was banned. That faction would be the dominant one from the previous week's tournament. Granted, they have over 10 factions, they could still block out the more powerful ones at least every other week. After a while, you could predict which factions would be alternating the ban but every so often the metagame would change and someone new would dominate.

Regardless. I was wondering if one of our nice, extremely good looking script writers could make a script that would ban an entire domain from decks being used in it. (Or to a lesser degree specific cards).

When this is implemented, we could run tournaments around it. Someone could be appointed as arbiter and he could hold on to the prizes for the tournament (which could be gold, power, cards, brownie points, kid sisters, whatever, that participants will use for entry). We could post and track results and standings on a forum thread. We could track decks/cards used and determine/vote on what will be banned next week.

Naturally, Jed could make a whole new tournament for this, but I think he has more pressing matters to address and a fan-run event wouldn't be too bad for the community. It could also be organized and started fairly quickly.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Author:  noob_mexican [ Thu May 13, 2010 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Script/Tournament Idea

Yeah!!Let's ban CI for the first tourney! 8-)

Author:  Zblader [ Thu May 13, 2010 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Script/Tournament Idea

I also agree with mex on that one! ^^

Hey Ata, what other TCG was that? I might be interested.

Author:  Atahualpa [ Fri May 14, 2010 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Script/Tournament Idea

I won't mind a CI ban first tournament... that just guarantees it will be available for the 2nd tournament, where DL will most likely be banned (and I'm not really interested in playing against 12 identical DL decks played by 16 different players, so will probably skip a tournament where DL is not banned).

zB, find me in game and I'll tell you.

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