New Card Prices
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Author:  Hugerer [ Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  New Card Prices

This is what I am going to do, if others want to as well, cool but by no means expected. I will no be selling all extra cards I have for the highest offer or at most:

Commons: 1 gold
Uncommons: 5-10 gold
Rares: 60-100 gold
Odds: 60 gold

The idea here is two fold. First, more circulation of cards on the market will create more gold ECs and create a more vibrant (if small) community of players. Second, it will help newer players (escpecially the commons and uncommons price) who want to build a collection of their own cards for fairly cheap.

Author:  Keyser [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Card Prices

That's exactly what financial advisors have been preaching for decades!: Buy High, Sell Low.

Author:  Keyser [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Card Prices

If you sell rares for 60 gp, uncommons for 5, and commons for 1, that makes the value of cards in a pack = 1x60 + 3x5 + 11x1 = 78 gp.

Seems like it's a much better deal to wait for Huger to sell cards than to buy packs!

Can I buy all Claimed with Bloods, Tap the Flux Lines, Ivory Towers, etc for 60 gp?

Author:  Themist [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Card Prices

Looks like he's just trying to stir up player interest Keyser. What's his collection worth if there are no players and the game shuts down. One of the reasons we haven't been able to grow a new player base is that it would be extremely expensive to build a starter deck at some of the crazy market prices, compared to when I started anyway. At least his way we may gain some new player interest.

So kudos to you Huger, I've been giving cards to noobs for a while now. Doesn't hurt to try and make cards available to new players at a reasonable rate, like I said the way things are now aren't working.

With our declining population and lack advancement of new players, being the richest player in a hurting game population is the same as being the smartest kid in the special ed class.

Author:  Zurken [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Card Prices

ever since I got all the commons I am practically giving those I have more than 3 times to anyone who asks for them.. surprising, how few people do so.
but you've taken it even step further, good work :)
and as Keyser said .. I wouldn't mind at all paying 60g for Claimed or Tap.

Author:  Hugerer [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Card Prices

Themist summed up my thoughts precisely. My cards are useless if no one is playing this game, and even more importantly I think this is a great game so I'm willing to effectively pay a bit to help subsidize new players. Note this only applies to my cards that I own more than 3 of. Ironically, I have sold only about half a dozen rares and ucs since setting these prices, but had about a dozen cards sold to me that I had highest offers for, so it would seem that others are following my advice, even if no one else is trying to buy cards.

Author:  Keyser [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Card Prices

Hugerer wrote:
Themist summed up my thoughts precisely. My cards are useless if no one is playing this game, and even more importantly I think this is a great game so I'm willing to effectively pay a bit to help subsidize new players. Note this only applies to my cards that I own more than 3 of. Ironically, I have sold only about half a dozen rares and ucs since setting these prices, but had about a dozen cards sold to me that I had highest offers for, so it would seem that others are following my advice, even if no one else is trying to buy cards.

HAHA!! Now we see your real motivation (getting cards for highest price offers) :-)

I agree that the game needs more circulation and card trading. What I don't agree on is that any card a player owns more than 3 of should be sold for low prices. For example, I have an extra belfry, but I can't see parting with it for 100 gp. The fact is that some rares are more valuable (referring to playability and effect on the game, not money at this point) than other rares. I could see giving away a mass confusion, but I can't see selling a Belfy or Tap or Claimed for 60 gp.

Think of MTG... there are rares that come out of the current set (M11) that are wort less tha a dollar, and there are rares in the same set worth upwards of 50 bucks. If I were to say "I'm selling all my MTG rares for 5 bucks"... I'd be insane, because selling a 50 dollar card for 5 bucks is just silly.

I, too, have been selling cards for market prices (at the start of the last domain, I sold a bunch of uncommons for lower prices than they are "worth" because I had way too many copies of them. Who needs 7 goose tamers?) But I'm still not going to part with a SUPER good rare for 60 gp.

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