New lobby interface sketch.
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Author:  Altren [ Wed May 04, 2011 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  New lobby interface sketch.

We are working on better interface, here's first draft for discussion:
1) Remove FAQ(called game guide on screenshot)
2) May be rename "Army" to "Cards" or "Collection" (this name too long)
3) Add scenarios tab
New panel under tabs:
4) On the left side buttons with
- event schedule
- tutorial game (or may be big button line buttons nearby)
- Info/FAQ/Links - opens small window with links to useful resources (wiki/forum/FAQ/Keeper of Knowledge/etc.)
5) Big buttons with common game modes:
- Any player
- Similar player
- VS Computer (or something else instead "VS" word)
- Custom game
- Create tournament
Right panel:
6) Remove "Special" from panel
7) Unite content from current "Battle" and "Tournaments"
8) Bigger "Info" button
9) May be replace "Join" and "Watch" with buttons or add underline.

Please write your opinion about suggested changes and feel free to suggest more.

Please don't suggest changes about other tabs and battle in this topic, we will come with discussion about it later. (feel free to create other topics if you want to :) )

Author:  Zurken [ Wed May 04, 2011 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

Sounds good to me :)

Or - theory sounds good, I'd say move to testing and let people comment on what they actually see/can try here :)

Author:  Atahualpa [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

My two cents:

1) FAQ should not be removed, instead it should be linked to the website or wiki with an actual FAQ.
2) Army = Deck? It's far more obvious.
3) Scenarios = Good idea.
4) Side buttons: Larger buttons like the "similar" ones you have are better IMO. The info buttons, I think would be better as tabs since they are more obvious there.
5) Big buttons = Good.
6) Ok
7) I think the items with "join" should be separate from the items with "watch." I like how it's set up now.
8) Ok

In addition, I think the "options" button in the upper right should be a tab as well. I recall lots of people not seeing it over there as it just looks like part of the design.

Author:  Altren [ Thu May 05, 2011 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

Atahualpa wrote:
2) Army = Deck? It's far more obvious.
"Army" tab contain decks + collection. Not sure if Deck is good caption for such tab.
Atahualpa wrote:
Side buttons: Larger buttons like the "similar" ones you have are better IMO.
There are many big buttons already. Adding more than 6 makeis it too big for small resolutions.
Atahualpa wrote:
In addition, I think the "options" button in the upper right should be a tab as well. I recall lots of people not seeing it over there as it just looks like part of the design.
The problem with tabs is that adding more confuse players. Even current variant with 5 tabs seems to be too many.

Author:  Keyser [ Thu May 05, 2011 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

If you change "army" to "deck" you'll need to make all sorts of changes in the tutorials and wiki and website, etc.

I think it's pretty obvious that your "army" is your "deck". I don't think this is a point that confuses many players.

I prefer to keep it as "army"

Author:  emancipate [ Thu May 26, 2011 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

Could you add a build a script button with a link to the wiki built into it when clicked? It could be located by the single vs ai/similar/anyone/custom buttons would be a perfect spot, open for all to see even newcomers so they know user generated content is being promoted.


Author:  Voices [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

I've always thought that the Interface for the Browser version is largely good as it is. I am not sure, however, about having three different types of tabs/buttons. It makes things a bit unintuitive, I suppose. (It is hard to say when you have been around for some time.)

When you hover over the various game formats (Zwar Gokken, Shar Tank etc.), some useful information is displayed. Maybe there somehow also should be links to the Wiki, where these formats are explained more fully?

Author:  grug [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

Voices wrote:
Maybe there somehow also should be links to the Wiki, where these formats are explained more fully?

We are thinking about changing FAQ button on Help, after click on this will be shown small menu with several links or buttons (wiki, faq, and may be links on some useful posts from forum).

Author:  Voices [ Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

That sounds great, grug. Keep up the work!

Author:  Voices [ Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New lobby interface sketch.

There are now three different types of tabs:

(1) Lobby, Army, Market, Scenarios, Guilds

(2) Tutorial Game, FAQ, Forum, Event Scheduler

(3) Againts computer, Similar player, Any player, Create tournament, Custom game

I know that the last category is not stictly speaking a tab category, but let's just assume so for now. I also know that you are about to change the content of some of the options for the tabs (the change to FAQ is, for instance, mentioned above in this post).

Nevertheless, in order to perhaps make the appearance a bit sleeker and unified, I propose the following changes:

(a) Delete (2) as a separate category. Move Tutorial game to (3) and the rest to (1). This would make the appearance more unified and, I think, a bit more intuitive.

(b) Where (2) is located now, create a new image in the style of the images in (3), with the description 'Play a game now against', with an arrow pointing towards Against computer, Similar player etc. (That way you could delete the word 'against' in Against computer.)

(c) Add descriptions/information regarding the various game types in (3) that will show up when you hover over the buttons.

(d) Delete the Options button and replace it with a tab in category (1) called Settings.

As I have previously, I think the Inerface for the Browser version is very good as it is. So these are just some minor changes that will, perhaps, make it even better :)

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