Post Your Worst Terrain Screw
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Author:  Sunyaku [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Post Your Worst Terrain Screw

The random terrain system does some scary things sometimes. Let's see who posts the best example! :-D

I'll start things off. This one inspired me to start this thread. Notice how the upper left corner might have "looked" fine when everything was covered in darkness. ... crewed.png ... rewed2.png

(please do not use naturescaping or geomatric trickster to make things 'look' worse)

*Edited a few times until I found a free image host that actually worked.

Author:  MistStlkr [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Worst Terrain Screw

I've been on a one-hex island before, but this is the best/worst I've taken a screencap of that I can find: ... 1236406265

[EDIT=add] There were Wider Woods in that deck, for the record.... [/EDIT]

Author:  Crocken [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Worst Terrain Screw

lol i was playing a game against a MUCH better opponent, but I lucked into getting that DL plasma and there were only 3 landbridges from the top of the screen to the middle/bottom, and i plugged them up.

Author:  Sunyaku [ Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Worst Terrain Screw

Terrain screws are part of the reason I now play with one Naturescaping in every sylvan deck. Sometimes you can use it to get yourself out of bad situations, change the terrain so that a creature can move/attack where you need it to, create forests or ocean to spawn creatures in, or make your opponent's situation worse if they started out with a "semi" land screw. ;-)

Author:  Altren [ Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post Your Worst Terrain Screw

I know most players had it, I'm posting just for record and for those who didn't seen this (you never was on this island, really? :) ).

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