Power should be used to alter gameplay. To make rules or community changes. It was said that wining an MC gets you 4 power if you were first, Im using that as a basis. There should be more ways to get Power. Every 'active player', person who has played a ladder match or whatever you use to describe activity, get at least 1 Power each week. I think the MC and other things should give Gold and Power. A bit of each, to suit more players preferences.
There should be other ways to get Power: Being really helpful and explaining the rules to a new member: +1 Power
Each Month/Week/Wtevr/ you go without breaking a forum rule, +1 Power.
Writing for the Forum, guides, articles etc: +1-3 Power at staffs choice. It would be best to work with staff ahead of time.
Running beginner's tournaments, meant for new players to get used to the game, could be run each week as needed. More experienced members can run these on a sign up schedule, in order, to earn +3 Power for doing the bookeeping and staying in touch with all the participants and explaining all the rules of not only the tourney, but of the game as well. Consider it militia duty.
Staff Award: staff can just randomly give people Power in small 1-3 pt amounts for being positive or helpful. Point begging should be discouraged, its to reward people who are naturally good, not people who are being nice to get points.
Seniority Award: Once a week, at their discretion, a member who has seniority over another, like 100 rating higher, or 100 or 1o times more wins, or 10 times more power, some value, may grant to another player 1 Power.
Community Award: Once a month, there will be an election on the forums, people must be nominated, and agree, then a poll is open during the last week of the month. The winner of the Community Award receives +10 Power. They should carry themselves with the dignity of office. They are responsible for setting up and running the next months Community Election. Failure to do so without a good reason or notice, results in the loss of 4 Power. With Power, comes responsibility. No one person can be elected more than twice a year, and not in a row. The duration of term could different, 2 months is not bad, 3 months gives one each season.
Underdog Award: Person(1) with the least Power receives +2 power at the start of the calendar month.
Lots of ways to keep Power from only being in the hands of the mighty. I think that Tournament Winners should get a lot, especially if they win consistently, but the use of Power to do neat things should be something everyone can take part in. A game should still be fun, even if you are not that great at it. I don't mean to imply that there should be no competition, but that a more general distribution will prevent those less skilled from getting bored and leaving.
Some things I would like to see Power used for:
2 Power start next ranked match with +10 flux.
10 Power, you can see your opponent hand for the next 24 hours.
1 Power choose one card from your deck to be in your hand before next battle, before they are shuffled, this counts as one of your initial cards. or it could be extra.
5 Power: You can see the entire board for the next 24 hours at the start of every game.
1 Power: custom forum name color or font or similar.
1 - 5 Power: forum badges or trophies,
1 Power, 2 random commons 2 Power, 2 random uncommons 3 Power, 1 random rare +1 power to select domain +1 power to discard and drawn again per card (you can keep one and discard the other)
2 Power, bigger forum avatar
5 Power, make a sticky on the forum
Custom Cards: Base Cost + Modifiers Make a copy of a card that exists, you may change the nature of the card, see below, this card exists in the market for 30 days, you get 3 of them to start, everyone else gets 1 phantom copy for the duration, You can extend this by spending more Power.
30 Power, change the domain cost 20 Power +1 Attack 10 Power +1 Health 30 Power +1 Move 20 Power +1 Sight 40 Power +1 Range 10 Power +1 or -1 flux cost 1 Power, Custom Card Exists another day. Guilds should be able to help each other with this.
These might need to be different for different things, like buildings or creatures. This is just to illustrate the idea. They are expensive by nature, maybe I made them too expensive. On purpose. It should be easy to implement, it would just take a bit of work for the staff.
5 Power: Putting your name and/or picture on a card for a month. It would be approved by the staff. The idea would be a picture of your face, or some other thing, like a cool toy dinosaur photograph. Or renaming a card something fun, like having the Barkskin Dragon named after your dog. Staff approval would be important. It would be interesting to see clans rename cards in their style. This could either be everyone's cards, or just your own. They could be two separate options, one temporary, one permanent. Just think, for your birthday you could let everyone see your shining face whenever they play an Elven Scout. If two people or factions want a card at the same time, they auction it.
5 Power: increase or decrease the flux amount generated by wells by 1 point for 5 hours.
Other great stuff could be done too. These are some ideas to get you started. Im sure some are not in line with your plans, and others you have already though of. A lot of choices need to be made about what all gets affected by what.
I can do more if you want. Its summer.