DarkJello wrote:
Well queeshai was the first to track me down and make his guess. He did so in the forum, a place I frequently visit each PM. Emancipate was 2nd, and amazingly he figured it out even though he was a bit sloshed. At least that is what he says, it is hard to understand his slurred typing.
You were 3rd to make your guess known to me. Congrats on making the top 3. I am sure many, MANY people are jealous of you for this accomplishment.
(Zblader and I could not medal, so there you have it).
Kudos to you mex, but you did get your cookies already
Although I highly doubt anyone is jealous, there is no platypi loving here and there is no draknor rusting here. Good day/night sir.
And don't forget to check the card ideas forum