If the game is intended to make money or at least pay for its servers, it shouldn't be intended to be able to be played indefinitely for free (except for limited free content).
On the website it has a whole section on going infinite:
http://thefarwilds.com/Going_Infinite.htmlThere it states, "If you are an above average player it is possible to go infinite. This means you never have to buy gold but always continue to gain cards and gold."
Now, I'm sitting just outside the Top 20 in rating and would be higher if I didn't mess around in rated matches with experimental decks. I very often get power when I get a chance to play the EC's, but unless I limited my purchases to very, very infrequent, I am nowhere close to going infinite and don't expect to ever get there really.
When ladder paid gold (and before the abuse got bad) I could get gold from it regularly. When the EC's were closer together more power was given out. At that point it might have been possible for me to go infinite, but I think that window is now closed.
I think the expectations should be set not that it is a free game if you're above average, but that it is a fun game that doesn't cost a fortune to play and is well work it.