They would all use the same database and server.
I'm not sure how FB does its infomation storing and all dat.
Your FB acc would have to be linked to your account here.... or something.
jed; what not just simply say 1 account per 1 IP, exceptions might be given, talk to admin (f.e. public IP and such)
Its a pain in the ass, especially when this gets bigger. I kid you not.
On the side note, I have a dynamic IP! I hope my ISP never gets me a static one. Great for overcoming download limitations on places like rapidshare. MUAHAHAHAHA
And after all there's no way to check if user is not lying when saying that he, his brother, mother, father and grandma playing TFW and that's why there's 5 accounts from same IP.
There is. A game I used to be into heavily, Utopia(swirve.com) had a similar problem. They created a program/bot/aglorithm where it not only checks accounts with same IP, but atcually watches ALL account interaction.
Assume theres 4 accounts:
Account A IP
Account B IP
Account C IP
Account D IP
A and B repeatedly always battle each other, one side losing this week, the other side losing the next week, taking turns to lose, and thus the other acc gains free ladder points.
A and B always fights with C who loses constantly. Suspicious activity reported to a human moderator.
D and C always beat the living shit out of A, and B always loses to A, thus A doesn't lose as much rating and ladder. Suspicious activity reported to a human moderator.
They basically manage to reduce the amount of bots by having their program watch for certain types of interactions between accounts. While not perfect, it helped a lot.
Zavia: Isn't this whole forum a suggestion board?
No, its a general board, where you can talk general things.
Example of a properly categorized board:
http://forum.esnation.com/forumdisplay.php?f=316The ones you should look at are: DotaPortal General, DotaPortal Allstars, anddd DotaPortal Tavern. Read the diffrent types, along with its description and uses. You may wana read the individual sub-forum's rules while you are at it. Last I checked, they were good.
Ignore the rest of the boards, its just extras.