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Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:49 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:09 pm Posts: 104
In tournaments I've noticed that games suddenly start up without warning. I believe a dialog with a "Ready" button on it should be helpful so you don't get interrupted or anything like that during another game. Once both players are ready then the game starts.
Possibly add a time limit for ready (like 5 minutes or something, enough for a stretch break lol), with the option to extend the time if needed. Maybe with an "OK" from the opponent as things can happen and waiting a little longer shouldn't be too bad for most people.
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Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:27 am |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:18 pm Posts: 10
I'd really like for it to be able to remember map zoom/placement between matches. I play on a big monitor and zoom it in and have to move it around for the first 15 sec or so of each match.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:04 am |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:18 pm Posts: 10
After playing in the league for a while, it's become clear to me that the dominant strategy (if you're good) is to play weaker opponents as much as possible. And then, once you've used up your 15, continue to wail on people so that they can't possibly get any significant amount of points. This not only discourages new players from playing but also allows a handfull of people to destroy any middle ground in the standings.
I'd recommend changing the post-15 tiebreaker matches to say you can only play people if they're within say 7-10 points of you and/or if they've finished their 15 games. Otherwise any thought of fairness just goes right out the window.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:25 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:05 am Posts: 137 Location: Cincinnati OH
This is something I would have liked to seen in a number of tactical games, influence on random terrain. You and your opponute select a terrain type, and there half of the map has a stronger then average % of that type. So say, your playing elementals, with a focus on water, you know your actualy going to have more then 3 single space lakes to use your awsome aquatic warfare. THe terrain should still be random but you can count on having more of certain type, or types. Or having preset maps you can choose to play on that would be nice as well.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:23 am |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:39 pm Posts: 4
A few thoughts about the trading screen-
Although we can trade gold with the cards, it's not obvious. There's a text box that's not labeled, and it's on the other person's side. Just confusing to me.
I would like to be able to see all my cards during the trade. That way, if someone wants 2 of a card, I would know if I only have the 2 or if I'll have some still left over. It might also be helpful to some people to offer suggestions to the trading party. I know this will take up a lot of screen space, and to that I have no easy solution.
And finally, multiple cards should either be separate, or the number should be obvious. As is, it's easy to miss and mess up the trade ratio.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:52 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:05 am Posts: 137 Location: Cincinnati OH
I think you should get a free pack of cards on your birthday.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:10 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:14 am Posts: 89 Location: Victoria, BC
Random suggestions/issues in no particular order
Wind Mogi - only gain a token when undimmed at the end of a round or have a 1 flux cost to activate
Putrid Zombie - Radius of effect 1
Leprous corpse - Reduce hp to 1
Bamboo watchtower - Increase domain cost to two
Enact a minimum one space/attack per round to solve issues for creatures with low movement that get trapped too frequently
Consider making spaces with buildings cost only 1 regardless of terrain (landscaping!), or reduce the movement cost the terrain would have by 1 (mountains 3 -> 2 etc)
The difference between little monsters and large ones seems to scale rapidly in terms of attack/defense and abilities with little middle ground putting a massive premium on any kind of creature removal means.
Allow monsters to attack aquatic creatures who are adjacent?
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:32 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:37 am Posts: 11
I think putrid zombis is probably fine. He's a trap as well as a weapon. Hit him + teleport == HAHAHA!!! He is a two edged sword. See an opponent cast him, get out in the field. Maybe reduce his power to 1??? He is really strong for his price.
Leave leprous corpse at 2HP --- that's what makes him interesting! He can trade with two shitty creatures, or a 2 power creature. But maybe increase his cost by 1 so that he's less efficient.
Bamboo watchtower is really good, but everyone has a tools to beat it. Prolly fine.
Definately allow creatures to always attack/move a distance of one, and/or reduce cost for locations with buildings. This is a great idea.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:53 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:14 am Posts: 89 Location: Victoria, BC
More random suggestions
Bilgrin's First Prototype - seems underpowered/over-restricted for the cost/rarity
Tree Mother - consider it simply creating treants instead of drawing them from deck, given the cost, fact that it must be dimmed and the fact that seedling/saplings are much less common on the playing field than corpses. Might consider battefields spawning with the potential for uncontrolled seedling/saplings in forests. Currently seems underpowered especially in comparison to the cost/rarity/abilities of Journeyman Necromancer
- In this vein, while I don't have enough cards to make a deck to try this, all of the connected abilities for Nature Domain concerning treants/saplings/seedlings seem a little difficult to actually make good use of, has anyone ever tried a deck utilizing these cards/abilities?
Form of Vigor - seems slightly underpowered, consider 3 attack
Woodland Link - drawing more cards is always good, but as the only effect conditional on death not so much, consider Link giving enchanted creature +1 speed
Lastly, and perhaps I'm alone in this, but it seems that the toughness of creatures ratchets up too quickly. There isn't a lot of middle ground between starting creatures and late game creatures. Even granted that the late game creatures are supposed to be massive unstoppable game changing entities, it seems that early starting creatures end up being more ineffectual than they ought and places a much higher premium on creature negation/dismissal cards then they would warrant. There doesn't seem to be anything with an attack over six and most creatures have higher toughness than attack, scaling toughness to match on more creatures might legitimize the lower level creatures as an option in numbers against these monsters and implementing counter-spell/reversal options could add some balance/strategy to the play of the many cheap negation/dismissal options. Your mileage may vary though.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:05 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:09 pm Posts: 104
Tryste wrote: Woodland Link - drawing more cards is always good, but as the only effect conditional on death not so much, consider Link giving enchanted creature +1 speed I'd say yes, but here's why I won't right away: Woodland Link is the same cost as Nefarious Research. The only difference is that Nefarious Research costs sacrificing a creature (and you get 2 more cards from it). Woodland Link is just when the creature dies, so in a sense you could enchant it when it has 0 or less HP, and get the card draw AND the enchantment back. Nefarious Research you don't get it back. P.S. If you can view the card list ( link), Woodland Link is card 180, Nefarious Research is 242.
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