Notification upon DC
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Author:  Keyser [ Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Notification upon DC

I'm sure we've all experienced this: disconnecting from the server and not even realizing it until your opponent times out, except that you are the one actually timing out on the server...

From another thread, Jed said that the server sends packets to keep the connection alive:

jed wrote:
Your router must be closing the connection. Weird since we are sending a packet to you already every so often to keep the connection alive. Maybe just watch a game if you are idle. This will keep the connection active.

Please add a check in the client (web client and downloadable client) that notifies the user when no packets have been received for a minute. This will keep us from having to go to the lobby and send a "lag test" message to the open chat.

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