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 Post subject: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:28 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 83

I’ve only been playing TFW for about 10 days, but I’ve played a lot in that short period of time. I’ve been playing online TCG’s for over 10 years, so even though I’ve new to TFW, I’m no stranger to TCG’s. IMHO, this game is much better than any other MMOTCG out there, including MTG. Not many TCG’s have implemented a world map, which adds a lot more depth and strategy to the game.

I’ve played a lot of MMOTCG’s, and the one glaring thing that sticks out with this game is that there is a huge learning curve for noobs. Since the biggest issue right now (and only major one that I see) is a small player base. I know this isn’t news to anyone, but I really think you’re probably losing some potential players due to this.

Anyway, I just wanted to give a fresh perspective from a relative noob (relative in the sense that I’m new to FTW, but not online TCG’s). I realize some of these observations and suggestions have been made in the past, but I haven’t seen a lot of them brought up recently, so here goes.

More Tournaments (not EC)

Amount of Tournaments
I think a lot more tournaments are needed. Tournaments are always a popular draw in MMOTCG’s, but the only tournaments currently running are the Expert Clashes every 8 hours, which is a pretty large gap inbetween events.

As a new player, I’m enjoying accumulating Phantoms because a lot of them are all new cards to me. I’d personally enjoy playing in Minor Clashes or other types of tournaments the just gave out extra Phantom cards as a reward. Extra Phantom cards might not seem like it’s worth it to a lot of the top and/or most dedicated players, but they definitely are a nice reward for noobs or lower rated players. A prize structure of bonus Phantom cards like 8/4/2/1 for the top 4 players would be nice. Since Phantoms are easy to get from just playing power games against the cpu, this isn’t going to inflate anything. You could always add 1 Power for first place only for Minor Clashes if people think that it’s a “must”. If that is too much Power given out in a day, then just make the Expert Clashes pay out 3/2/1 instead of 4/2/1.

While some of the top players who win the Expert Clashes might not like this idea, keep in mind that the thing we all want is for the community to grow. This will benefit everyone.

I think tournaments should be going off roughly every 3-4 hours. Once again, you can maintain the Power dispersed per day, just add Phantoms.

Types of Tournaments
With more tournaments, some variety would be a good idea. A big strength of this game is the variety of games you can play. For example, you can change the conditions of each game, play sealed decks, drafts, 2v2, etc. Teams (2v2), Sealed Decks and Drafts are something that is very popular in real life TCG’s (namely MTG) but you really don’t see these in any of the most popular online TCG’s. This is something that helps to differentiate TFW from other online TCG’s. I have an MBA in Marketing and I promise you that this is something TFW should be showing off. Tournaments are a good way to do this.

Some suggestions are:
• Normal – same as EC.
• Sealed Deck – sealed decks, obviously.
• Mono – 1 domain only plus unaligned.
• Duo – need at least 15 cards from 2 or more domains (unaligned is not a domain).
• Different Parameters – change map sizes and/or starting flux and/or number of flux nodes.
• Doubles – 2v2 tournaments. Random teams, or highest/lowest rated paired together, or separate players into 2 groups based on ratings at tournament start and randomly put one player from each group on a team. This of course requires even number of players. If there’s an odd number, the last person to sign up gets left out. Early bird gets the worm.

Personally, I think the Sealed Deck tournaments sound like the most fun. Also, Doubles might be an event to run only 1-3 times per week.

Rewards for Free Sealed and Drafts

I realize that these really don’t fall under the category tournaments, but they are kind of like miniature tournaments so I’m posting this here instead of making a new thread. With the amount of time involved to play both of these formats, I think it would be a good idea to add a reward of extra phantom card(s) to them. This could generate a little more interest for these types of events, which is a good thing.

For example, reward 1 phantom for the winner of a best 2 out of 3 Sealed Deck tournaments and reward 2 and 1 phantom for 1st and 2nd in Drafts. Once again, with the time commitment involved to play these events, I believe the bonus phantom card(s) is justified.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:32 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
Hmm... to make a long story short, you are trying to add in a bunch of new tournaments to increase player base, correct?

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:39 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 83
No. This will not attract more players. It will help to retain players though.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:31 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
Psyclone wrote:
No. This will not attract more players. It will help to retain players though.

Hmm. Alright, although I've only skimmed your relative noob posts, I'm going to try to start off some discussion (no offense meant), because all of these look very cool.

List of Questions:
*If there are so many tournaments happening, will this alter the betting system?

*In 2 vs 2 , will players be allowed to predetermine their partners?

*Why not push the idea of Starter Cards (Phatoms that never expire) further? Not only should they be given just in your starter set, but why not have occaisional Minor Clashes with those as a reward?

*Just a suggestion, but why not follow the KC theme and have the winner or a sealed/draft pick one card from his made-up deck that he gets?\

Cheers, I have a feeling you will be in the suggestion box like how I am in the Card Ideas forum: always thinking up of new ideas. :D :D :D :mrgreen: And enjoy April Fools ^^.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:14 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 83
If there are so many tournaments happening, will this alter the betting system?

Is the betting system active now? If it is, I didn't realize it and I don't know how it works, so I can't really answer this question without researching it.

In 2 vs 2 , will players be allowed to predetermine their partners?

I think you skimmed over that part too fast or I wasn't clear enough. :P

I think allowing players to choose partners would create an imbalance as players are, more often than not, going to team up with as strong of a partner as possible. However, it would be nice to be able to communicate with your partner before the game starts so you can have synergies between your decks... so maybe a 2-5 minute break after random teams are announced to choose a deck would be a good idea.

I suggested three possible options, none of which are predetermined. The three options I listed were...

1) Random teams

Advantages: Can't be manipulated.
Disadvantages: this could mean the top 2 or bottom 2 rated players would be paired together. A major factor in determining the winner of the tournament would be who you draw as a partner.

I think this is a bad way to go for that reason.

2) Highest/lowest rated paired together, 2nd highest/2nd lowest paired together, etc.

Advantages: This would potentially create the most balanced teams and give everyone a shot at winning.
Disadvantages: Possibility of manipulation by players tanking their ratings. However, if only bonus phantoms are given out, there won't really be any motivation to do this.

This is probably the fairest way to go.

3) Separate players into 2 groups based on ratings at tournament start and randomly put one player from each group on a team.

Advantages: This would create some balance, but not as much as option 2. It would add a random element into it though which could be good or bad.
Disadvantages: Possibility of manipulation by players tanking their ratings. However, if only bonus phantoms are given out, there won't really be any motivation to do this.

Why not push the idea of Starter Cards (Phatoms that never expire) further? Not only should they be given just in your starter set, but why not have occaisional Minor Clashes with those as a reward?
Just a suggestion, but why not follow the KC theme and have the winner or a sealed/draft pick one card from his made-up deck that he gets?

I think I can answer both of these together. This could be done, but this is also a business that needs to make money to survive. If it doesn't make money, then the game disappears. TFW already has a great model in place that I think is more than generous to new players in the fact that it is actually possible to go infinite with no restrictions to any cards. I don't know of any other online TCG's that offer this possibility.

This is something you'd really have to ask jed about though.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
*whistles* holy cow, that was pretty good. O.O

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:54 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:57 am
Posts: 93
Its nice to hear a new players view, thank you for speaking up. Takes a village to raise a child...That child being this game for you dim wits out there...lol.

BTW Zblader great questions, followed up by some great answers. Psyclone is on his game...lol.


 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:34 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
Yeah we definitely want to have more tournaments. I've been waiting till I can have a new currency in place before doing this but it is taking a long time so we might just do what you suggest and have them give out phantoms in the meantime. It is hard for me to gauge how much phantoms motivate people.

I think you are right that free sealed/draft should give some phantoms as prizes.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:06 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 pm
Posts: 83
The phantoms probably won't motivate the regular players as much as the new players, but maybe they'll play because they enjoy the competition, i dunno.

Do the top players even care about phantoms? I assume they probably don't for the most part except for some of the better rare and uncommon cards that they might not have collected yet, or have in triplicate.

I used to play a game called SpiritWars which is now extinct that was similar to this game in many ways. It was an online TCG with a hexagonal battlefield too. It was a subscription based game though, so they didn't really have the issue with rewarding power or gold. Their rewards were 5 cards with at least 1 guaranteed rare and/or uncommon cards depending on the size of the tournament.

Maybe you could guarantee the winner better quality phantoms.

For example:
1st place - 5 phantoms with at least 1 rare (100% chance).
2nd place - 3 phantoms with at least 1 rare (25%) or uncommon (75%).
3rd place - 2 phantoms with at least 1 rare (10%) or uncommon (90%).
4th place - 1 phantom with at least 1 rare (5%) or uncommon (95%).

Maybe this would motivate people more than just giving out a handful of phantoms.

 Post subject: Re: Suggestions from a relative noob – Tournaments
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:32 am 

Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:47 am
Posts: 150
High rarity phantoms as a tournament prize are a grand idea.
I usually don't even look at the common phantoms I get. Either I have them, or I don't want them, or I can easily grab them on the market for 2 gold.
However, the uncommon and rare phantoms sometimes go in my decks, or even inspire me to build new ones.

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