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 Post subject: Possible Appeal to Larger Audience?
 Post Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 3:30 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:54 am
Posts: 1

So I just began playing and I could see the potential of this game immediately. Just a couple of suggestions:

1. I realize that this is a collectible game, but I think that you would find a much larger audience if you adopted a freemium model. The best model I can think of would be something akin to League of Legends. In LOL you receive one pool of currency every time you play, and you have the option of purchasing another form of currency with which you progress more quickly as well as buy vanity items (additional costumes, etc). It is a huge turnoff when i see that the only way I can advance the game is if I sink in a lot of money. The important thing is to not exclude your members who do not want to pay. More players=more people to play with=more people playing=more word of mouth advertising=more people who are willing to pay for these additional vanity items. Potentially, you could earn silver from each match to purchase cards, and you could buy gold to purchase vanity items.

I began playing LOL with no intention of purchasing anything. However, I've put my fair share of money into that game simply because I was invested enough to buy a vanity costume or six.

2. Have you considered releasing this as a full game? I would most definitely pay $20, probably even more, for this game if it meant that I had online access and full access to the cards to make a deck as I wished. You could release each expansion for $10 each or so. This makes it much more accessible for a much wider range of players.

3. Have you looked at getting this onto Steam at all? There is no better way to gain access to a wide audience. You could also try getting onto the Humble Bundle?

I want to love this game. It is a great combination of card game and miniatures and it's really fun. The little I've played has already shown me some amazing potential, but I do not want to be forced to sink in a lot of money to only be able to compete.

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