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 Post subject: ios/android support
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:42 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:43 am
Posts: 14
With HTML5/Canvas/OpenGL/etc. Flash is dying out.

I think it would be awesome for the game to be rewritten as an app that supports touch screens. I played it on my Galaxy SIII just now. I had to use some trickery to get flash to work, and it's a bit cumbersome, but what I could tell is that this game would be FREAKING AMAZING if it was designed to support phones and tablet devices. This could still be 100% from the browser. In fact, the browser version of this game could be as good or better than the current download version. Web tech has come a long way. It's sad for me to see such a great game occupy such a small corner of the online universe.

To have TFW in android/iOS app stores alone would increase the player count a TON.

Anyway, I realize that a lot of work has gone into this on the flex/flash platform, but i wanted to throw this out there anyway. If any of you have an android tablet - download puffin browser to try it out. using touch to play this game is so much better. Same with being able to pinch zoom in and out. Basically every action in the game is better on a touch screen.

 Post subject: Re: ios/android support
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:42 pm 
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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:55 pm
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Hi. We have iOS/Android platforms support in our nearest plans. Actually flash works just fine on those when built as native application using adobe air. The main work that need to be done is UI changes, since many controls are way too small for touchscreen (army, market, some battle elements). While HTML5 is good, current flash client have too much logic in it to be rewritten and also things like huge collection display would be slightly slower with html5.

So as a conclusion: even though flash is dying it still fits better for big web application (and is used in some new projects), it works on mobile platforms. So switching to new platform just because it is new definetly not worth it, even though it is better than flash.

Changing some or even most UI elements is small task compared to rewriting everything, so it is worth trying to release TFW on iOS/Android as adobe AIR application.

 Post subject: Re: ios/android support
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:11 pm 
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And what about OpenGL in browser, well, webGL is still doesn't work on most PC browsers and barely works on Android in Chrome.
For a new client it might be better to pick Unity (aka Unity3D) rather than html5+something, but still it's a long way and we are not ready to start right now.

 Post subject: Re: ios/android support
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:32 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:48 am
Posts: 2
Location: new jersey, US
i have to say, i have been playin this periodically for a while and i really think this should be a top priority; being that strategy card games have been on the rise in the past year and having always wanted to see this game get the attention it deserves, i really believe that making it more accessible would be key to it's success. just sayin: it would be worth the time and effort to make this game mobile, i think it would make this game huge!

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