4th Weekly Balancing
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Author:  jed [ Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  4th Weekly Balancing

Here are this week's changes. I lowered the cost and stats of a few guys since there were gaps in the flux curve.

- Dimwitted Manticore lost a HP now 3XX
- KDPW Levy Corp reworked
- Ulg Turtle reworked
- Baron of Dellen: reworked
- Bard's Inspiration now 2 flux
- Draknor's Chain now 2 flux
- Flash Flood now 2 flux and lifespan 2
- Fire ball only on constructed buildings
- Harmonic dissonance added Lifespan(4)
- Alabaster Pantheon now 7 flux and gives you both domains at once
- Bronze statue now causes you to lose 1 flux a round

Fixed bugs in: Desolation Totem, Mana Lion, Timesap

I expect there will only be one more round of changes before this set is locked down.

Author:  MistStlkr [ Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 4th Weekly Balancing

I was quite surprised this morning when I spent a good minute thinking my computer was screwing up because it would not let me toggle the Pantheon [there's a dirty joke in there somewhere...] I was just getting used to the other way, but I'm glad it came back. And then noticed that my Manticore was a bit emaciated. I'll have to check out the other cards. What did you do to my poor turtle now??

Author:  Zycomancer [ Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 4th Weekly Balancing

Aww my manty,
while i don't disagree with him being tweeked, i think it needed less then this, i don't see the guy played much as is though i think him underated. I haven't gotten into all the tweeks but superficiously they sound good.

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