TFW Chess-like
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Author:  cylone [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  TFW Chess-like

Okay after realizing the scripting system needs
a few more functionalities, I turned my attention
towards putting some thought on what would be
fun to make with it (if it becomes possible).

A minigame of sorts that would be a nice
tactical challenge/diversion with lots and lots of replayability.

Basically the main idea is there are no decks, glory etc like in standard.
Possibly a pregenerated map (but not important at all).

- Simple variant:
Both players start with same creatures already on the map
and spells in hand. You gain one (or two) flux a turn, there are no wells.

Goal is to kill everything opponent has. (Alt goals? : each creature
that gets to the other side of map alive is one point. Or seat of esseness
in play and one middle flux well)

- Advanced variant:
At start of game players choose from a limited number of options.
(probably chatbased command the likes of ie. {2,2,4,1,3,1} that activates spawn).
Also pregenerated maps/arenas with possible enchants on them
already (ie. force fence, air intersections....)

It took me a bit too long to sift through and select the creatures
and spells that seem most fun/balanced in such a setting.
So appreciate it hehehehe. And hopefully somebody will be willing
to help out with any scripting problems that will inevitably arrise.


Author:  Zblader [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TFW Chess-like

Sounds cool.

Author:  jed [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TFW Chess-like

Yeah this is a cool idea. You should be able to make it now. Let me know if there is some part of it you don't see how to do.

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