The Desert Wanderer
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Author:  cylone [ Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  The Desert Wanderer

Campaign for TFW ("its done when its done!")

Starting map
A mountain, a spring, a sphere of radiance,
weather wane and all elemental intersections.
Premade deck. Stuff to explore and enemies/allies
to interact with. Large map.
You play as a certain Prodigal Entropene.

Some background story for the campaign
(er... just a overview... the dialogues will probably be cheesy lol)
-A lone Prodigal Entropene and his quest to explore
a strange form of magic.

"There is life coursing through these sands...
I can feel myself being drawn to them and yet
at the same time they heed my beckons."

-There will be a collection of maps.

-There will be a little bit of custom artwork
depending on how lazy i am / how much workload
im burdened with.

-Quests to awaken various forms of elemental creatures,
and garner some other allies or enemies.

-Somewhat puzzle-like in design

-Angry elves, nomad caravans, a long-forgotten fortress of undead dwarves

-RPG-lite (very light) Character growth* (mostly in the form
of changing avatars inbetween missions. Also use Meld on
yourself during a special bonus Solistice map to turn into Lord Z)

OPTIONS / MAP MAKER BECOME AVAILABLE (alternatively it'll just
be set maps with no ingame scripting triggers, and a webpage telling
you: "if used arid encroachment on map 2, play sleeping_titan_map_extra_elves_tailwinds" )

-Seriously guys dont expect much, this will just be a collection
of encounters/maps, with a few variable choice situations, a few paintings
and some cheezy text slapped as dialogue to link it all together.
-I intend to keep it as simple as possible to make

here are some sneak previews of what im working on:


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