Novice Cardwright
a wright is a builder Cardwright makes cards. This card is a creature that does just that, it makes cards. It has also been known to make other things from time to time. Units for other games, artwork, stories etc. As he is new to the Far Wilds, he is certainly a novice. Someday, there may be a Master Cardwright, who knows.
Illustration: a gnomish man bent over a drafting table with a square and quill, there is a half finished card in a frame on the table, it is of a gnomish man bent over a drafting...
Domain Cost: 2 Neutral
Flux cost: 3
Attack: 1
HP: 1
Move: 3
Sight: 2
Shoot: 0
Dim + 4 flux: Choose an entity in play, place a number of work tokens on Novice Cardwright equal to the flux cost of the entity. At the start of each Round, remove a Work Token. If there are no Work Tokens to remove, place a copy of the card in your hand.
Optional alternate rule: If the entity was enchanted, or leaves play before all work tokens are removed, the card is a failure. This rule is offered as an option to limit the NC if it is too powerful.
It could also work on cards in hand or your opponents cards at random. It could be a random card from the deck.