Straight-line Winds
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Author:  Sunyaku [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Straight-line Winds

Not sure about cost/domain-- but here's the idea:

Elemental Spell

Select contiguous plains and choose a direction.

Creatures within the selected plains are moved a number of spaces in the chosen direction equal to the number of contiguous plains. Aloft figures take 1 damage per every 2 contiguous plains.

And I'm totally envisioning knocking a group of fliers out of the sky with this! I was thinking it should be one domain, so that decks could splash elemental cards to use this... and it would also be useful in a wind mogi/cloudburst/tangler/flashflood deck, since you'd have one more way to push creatures around, and possibly do damage.

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