Some ideas...
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Author:  decapattack [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Some ideas...

Im think in four enchantments, one for each domain.

ImageImage3 - Unholy Seal
ImageImage3 - Arcane Seal
ImageImage3 - Primal Seal
ImageImage3 - Earth Seal

Text: All creature cards from [Domain] costs 1 less flux to play, to a minimum of one
Rarity: Uncommon


- I think and four cards and not a generical one to not make the card a joker, overpricing it.

- Im in doubt about a 3 flux or 4 flux cost
- Im in doubt about include "to a minimum of one" on the card text.

One new card:

Dwarf's Courage

Enchant creature
If the enchanted creature dont have any creatures you control on his sight, he gets +X Attack, where X is its attack.

Three new abilities:

[Land type]Lore X: If a creature with a especific Lore is in a space with the same land type he gets +X attack (and +X max Health?)

Bravery: A creature with bravery gains +1 attack to each enemy creature in an adjacent space

Tactics: A creature with tactics gains +1 Attack to each allied creature in an adjacent space


EDIT 30/04: Seals edited
EDIT 01/05: Enchantment Bravery renamed to Dwarf's Courage
Tactics was splited on two abilities: Bravery and Tactics

Author:  nayen [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

I like the abilities you posted and I think the seals are a must have for this game. The land auto draw make it very easy to do a multi domain deck so I think it would be good to give some advantage for the single domain decks.

Author:  raptorus [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

I like the abilities you posted and I think the seals are a must have for this game. The land auto draw make it very easy to do a multi domain deck so I think it would be good to give some advantage for the single domain decks.

yes, this is true
but im scared of this effects for cards. they are so simple and they have a huge potential to be used in a imbalance combo.

the souls improve the rush_weeny-decks, and rush--weeny-decks are today the most hated decks, especial with elv-domain.
maybe 3domains 3 flux cost?
so it is 3 domain and get come into game only in late game, last-chance-card for weenies.

and the other one is too simple/dangerous, too

Author:  decapattack [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

raptorus wrote:
the souls improve the rush_weeny-decks, and rush--weeny-decks are today the most hated decks, especial with elv-domain.
maybe 3domains 3 flux cost?
so it is 3 domain and get come into game only in late game, last-chance-card for weenies.

and the other one is too simple/dangerous, too

I almost agree with you, rap.. :)

Seals updated, i think better about and i dont wanna see TFW becomes a Magic The Gathering :D :D :D

Author:  nayen [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

I think it is good that they are simple, cards don’t need to be complicated to be good cards. But some abilities still need adjustments. Lore should be only +1 attack if in specific terrain and tactics may be “+1 Attack if it has any adjacent allied creature.” That way we are protected from over power and the cards become more simple and easy to understand for players. I like bravery but once again I thing we better fix the amount it gives lets say +3 attack +1 hp.

¿What about the seal?

We have now a card ta can be compared with the seals. “Ord stone. The ord stone gives you 1 flux each turn. That is if you play a card each turn that cards cost is 1 flux less (same as seals) but if you play more than two cards then the seals becomes more powerful. Other difference is that since the seals are world enchantments they are more difficult to remove than a building. That why I think I should cost 1 domain and 5 flux or 2 domain and 4 flux. Making it a 3 domain card would make it nearly useless

Author:  mindstheatre [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

nayen wrote:
tactics may be “+1 Attack if it has any adjacent allied creature.”

See the way I read tactics was +X attack where X is the number of adjacent creatures (beyond, obviously, the creature with tactics itself). It seems to me a great counterbalance to the weeny deck, as it makes you think twice before surrounding this creature.

Author:  decapattack [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

@ nayen
The tactics ability works exactly like minds said. And thats my intention, actually. :D

I really like your suggestion about bravery, but its a two edged sword. If u gives a +3/+1 bonus, 1 atk creatures becomes a monster very easily. If i keep the present version (flexible atk bonus and no HP bonus), its becomes more powerfull
(this card can be rare, isnt? ;) ) but less effective with weenies.

@ raptorus
I edit the seals again, reducing de cost DD4 to DD3. Im thinking about the cost/profit relation on this card. To seals start to give some gain, u need to cast 5 creatures on older version. Besides, u will fill 3 card slots on your deck. Why use this and not 3 weenie creatures instead?

Author:  Sasshaia [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

mindstheatre wrote:
nayen wrote:
tactics may be “+1 Attack if it has any adjacent allied creature.”

See the way I read tactics was +X attack where X is the number of adjacent creatures (beyond, obviously, the creature with tactics itself). It seems to me a great counterbalance to the weeny deck, as it makes you think twice before surrounding this creature.

See, that reading doesn't seem very important to me, because the concept for tactics seems more like it should be given to a relatively cheap weenie creature, and weenies are almost never surrounded since they die in one or two hits, usually by other weenies or a big monster that's just cleaning up ants. Also, the flavoring of using the name "tactics" for the ability doesn't really seem to fit if it boosts one creature's attack for being surrounded.

An alternate reading I considered would work would be "A creature with tactics gets +1 Atk for every allied creature with tactics in an adjacent hex."

Author:  decapattack [ Fri May 01, 2009 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some ideas...

A little edit based on Sasshaia's thoughts.

I think that's better now!

Author:  decapattack [ Fri May 01, 2009 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  MORE Ideas

Name: Corpse Explosion
Sacrifice a Creature. All figures in adjacent spaces takes 2 damage.

Name: Provoking Warlord
Atk 3/ HP 4/ Speed 4/ Vision 3/ Range 0
:Move target creature 2 spaces closer to Provoking Warlord. Can only use this ability once a round.

Name:Elven Explorer
Atk 2/ HP 2/ Speed 3/ Vision 3/ Range 0
Whens Elven Explorer comes into play, draw a card

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