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 Post subject: Magnetite Beacon
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:52 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:04 pm
Posts: 348
It pains me to bring this up, but I think mag beacon is in need of some discussion. It's been addressed and changed a few times already, but I think the last change made it too powerful. The ability to pull a creature in either of two directions means that you can't even do effective blocking if you wanted to (either with creatures or dropping a construction site to stop yourself). This has the effect of making just about any creature at any point fodder for pulling and makes taking out mag beacons the #1 priority, bar none.

I'm making a very modest proposal to change it back to the way it was before the most recent change, where it pulled according to altren's chart, but only in one direction for each hex. It still retains all the pulling goodness, but is much more reasonable.

It should be noted that I have changed my entire deck to be less vulnerable this one card, so it is possible.. but it severely limits deck building and playstyles.

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