Ord Beast
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Author:  Voices [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Ord Beast

Name of Card:
Ord Beast

Reason why the card is troublesome:
I have won more games with, and lost more games to, Ord Beast than I care to remember. Because of its characteristics - undim for two flux - it lends itself readily to those decks that generate a lot of flux. In particular, perhaps, it is an essential ingredient in any two-domain deck involving MF because of the way in which it combines with Ord Stone. Other deadly combinations involve, for instance, Scorched Horizons and Altar of Ix with Nether Plasmas and Gather Spirits.

The main problem with Ord Beast, as a I see it, is that it can be a relatively early 'game over' card. You play it in round 6 or 7 (with Mahal or Throne out), and you can kill off the opponent's base plus defensive forces in a single round.

Now, Ord Beast has been nerfed in the past (I think it had more health before), but I think it needs another change.

Suggested change:
This might be too much, but I will actually suggest that Ord Beast becomes a three domain card, with all other characteristics unchanged. That way it will require at least some more skill to use and it will also be slightly slower to play.

Author:  Dublone1870 [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ord Beast

How about skipping the whole undim thing? Showing up at a flux well is still special enough to make it a pretty particular creature. I can't really see how breaking the usual dim/undim rythm of TFW makes things more interesting. Its also difficult to balance because of enchantments that for example raises it's damage per undim.

Author:  Chester [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ord Beast

A simple removal can get rid of this.

Author:  Voices [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ord Beast

Chester wrote:
A simple removal can get rid of this.

What do you have in mind here? Is it:

(a) Remove the card from TFW completely


(b) A lysis (or any other 'removal card') can ounter Ord Beast

If it is (a), then I think it might be a premature solution. We need more discussion of it before it is removed.

If it is (b), then on the one hand I of course agree. All cards in TFW have counter-cards. But that is not really the point. A seasoned player will know when and how to play the Ord Beast. Against an MF player, you play when/where it cannot be Negated. Against a DL player you player it when/where, it cannot be Lysided etc.

Again, the problem with Ord Beast - a problem that might not in the end be so bad as to merit further changes - is that it potentially is what I above called an early game over card.

Author:  Chester [ Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ord Beast

I meant b of course,

If i see my opponent keeping flux it's obvious to know he has a plan in head that i have to counter. Btw there is lot of cheap removals, horns to hide , entangle, icy encasement... or other things like subject of loathing and null stone that makes the ord beast totally useless. To destroy a base you need at least 10 flux with the ord beast,4 for the cast and 6 for the dmg. it's a lot of investement. ( sorry if my english is a little bit horrible)

Author:  Zurken [ Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ord Beast

Chester wrote:
I meant b of course,

If i see my opponent keeping flux it's obvious to know he has a plan in head that i have to counter. Btw there is lot of cheap removals, horns to hide , entangle, icy encasement... or other things like subject of loathing and null stone that makes the ord beast totally useless. To destroy a base you need at least 10 flux with the ord beast,4 for the cast and 6 for the dmg. it's a lot of investement. ( sorry if my english is a little bit horrible)

Ord Beast is fine the way it is.
besides as you were crying about Ord Beast destroying your base early on it means, your base still has some salvage - either or he used most of his flux thus to destroy your base (& creatures).. so all in all the game is not lost just yet - ask Altren he is great with comebacks from such situations ;)

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