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 Post subject: Blunderbuss sqad should be able to enter mountains
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:56 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:22 pm
Posts: 9
One opponent teleported my Blunderbuss Sqad to a corner with water on one side, and a mountain on the other. The sqad has a movement of only 2, so I could not move them at all, since the mountain has a movement cost of 3. However, in my opinion, they should always be able to move at least one space, even if that particular terrain has more cost than their movement. This makes sense. They are a dwarven sqad, and it does not make sense that they cannot move onto a mountain space at all. The high cost of various terrains would still be of use, since it regulates units with high movement, such as scouts.

Last edited by Illusioned on Thu May 07, 2009 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: You should always be able to move one space
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:02 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:51 am
Posts: 584
Location: Madison, WI
I think the argument could be made that they should have mountainstride, but with the balancing phase for the first set far behind us, I doubt a change would be implemented.

 Post subject: Re: You should always be able to move one space
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:02 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:22 pm
Posts: 9
Yes, mountainstride is a possibility, but the seed set is supposedly final. However, that still leaves the problem of, let us say, forested hills, various types of swamps, etc. So without changing the seedset, the game mechanics could be changed. A unit can always use its full move to move at least one space, whatever the terrain may be.

 Post subject: Re: You should always be able to move one space
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:20 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:04 pm
Posts: 348
I agree with the original suggestion. Low-speed creatures are quite simply useless compared to high-speed creatures and this change would help rectify that. The speed problem really is twofold: speed doesn't cost an appropriate amount (too cheap), and -strides are also too cheap. When you have games that are over by round 12, you just can't use a speed 2 creature that takes 6-10 rounds to make it across the board.. if they can make it across.

This change would give a bit more maneuverability to low-speed creatures without making them unbalanced and depending on how it's implemented, allow some limited options for dealing with aquatics. The same mechanic could be applied to alofts so that if you're next to an aloft, you can spend all your movement to attack it. It'd be controversial, but it would make aloft less invulnerable to any non-range ground attack.

 Post subject: Re: You should always be able to move one space
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:54 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:40 pm
Posts: 95
I disagree, on pretty much all counts.

First off, if your creature ended up in water, your opponent did something to put it there. If you got unlucky enough to be stuck somewhere your creature couldn't swim out of, too bad -- your opponent was either smart or you got unlucky. It happens.

High movement creatures tend to be weak in other areas, either low health, attack, or both. Lower movement creatures tend to be very strong in some way or another. The stride ability tends to be the "special" ability for the creature.

Let's take the extremes. A crushing wheel is very strong and a ton of health, but can't go over a lot of terrain. This balances the card nicely. Elven scouts have a ton of movement but hit like wimps and any damage pretty much kills them. Again, relatively balanced.

Blunderbluss scouts are pretty strong, lots of health, and ranged (!). With only two domain and 5 flux, they're relatively cheap too. Their sole drawback is their limited mobility. Up that mobility or give it stride and you'll need to balance the card some other way. Either the strength and health would need to be halved, or the casting costs upped (MMX, 7 flux or something).

 Post subject: Re: You should always be able to move one space
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:48 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:51 am
Posts: 584
Location: Madison, WI
Disagreements noted. However, I think 5 flux IS expensive, and I strongly agree that creatures with high movement (in general) are vastly superior to creatures with low movement for a variety of practical reasons.

Sure, if you put them against each other in a one on one cage match, the beefy slow creature would win... but the ability to quickly explore dense terrain or strike from practically across the map once you reveal an enemy construction site is INVALUABLE. Also, it's better to diversify your creatures amongst several tiers... having too many expensive beefy creatures is hazardous to your health because you'll be at the mercy of your opponent's creature control arsenal... and if they're slow to boot they're just a bigger target for a horde of weenie/mid range creatures.

 Post subject: Re: You should always be able to move one space
 Post Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:39 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:22 pm
Posts: 9
As far as being able to attack an air or water unit, it is an interesting, but different discussion. So let's put that to the side for the moment.

I will grant that certain units with only 2 movement don't seem like they should be able to move into mountains or swamps. For example, there is the Crushing Wheel that Loopy mentioned. There is also Spaf's Greatbow, Skull Catapult, and Dag Cannon. With these units one can see how they might not be able to move into mountains and swamps. But it definitely does not make sense with the Blunderbuss Sqad. They should be able to move through mountains.

So should we still say that if you use your full move, you should always be able to move one space, whatever the terrain. I'll let you folks decide. Then we'd be saying that Spaf's Greatbow can move into mountains too, as well as the other cards I mentioned. That is, unless we specifically exempt those cards from being able to do that.

So we can allow units to always move one space (with the possibility of exempting certain cards). We could give the Blunderbuss Sqad mountain walk. Or we could raise the movement of the squad to 3. Those appear to be all the options.

 Post subject: Re: You should always be able to move one space
 Post Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:18 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:21 pm
Posts: 5
You could always give certain cards a negative ability called something like "Burdened". This ability would say prevent them from moving across certain terrains, like mountains, forests or swamps.

 Post subject: Re: Blunderbuss sqad should be able to enter mountains
 Post Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:38 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:22 pm
Posts: 9
Yes Sasshaia. I looked through a thesaurus for some other possible words that would seem to fit perfectly. The one I saw there that seemed right on the button was "cumbersome." Yep, what you have said is a way to do it, though I'm not sure they are still willing to make changes to "the finalized seed set."

 Post subject: Re: Blunderbuss sqad should be able to enter mountains
 Post Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:39 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:40 am
Posts: 31
I don't think a change should be made. Any of the suggested changes have potential to unbalance the game, and I think it is more important to keep it balanced than for every little detail to make perfect sense.

If it bothers you make up a reason why blunderbuss squad cant go in a mountain. Maybe since they are laden with heavy ammunition they cant climb as well. The dwarves in the squad could climb it but only if they left munitions behind, but their captain obviously wont let them so they cant go into mountains.

On another note, burdened/cumbersome is a cool mechanic that could be applied to future cards.

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