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 Post subject: Army Archtypes - Player Classes in TFW
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:48 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:57 am
Posts: 41
There are a few general strategies or philosophies in deck building i have noticed in the Far Wilds. I am referring to them as Army Archtypes, others might say deck styles or Player Classes. Basically they are the overall general strategy you are aiming for with a deck.

General - this the basic well rounded style that defaults follow. An even balance of small medium and large creatures, buildings and a few spells and enchantments.

Builder - Uses lots of buildings and fortifications with a few select patrol creatures and a couple of spells and enchantments to secure his territory. This is an expensive style to play well.

Spellcaster - Uses spells and enchantments to win, through the use of a few enchantments. This is hard to play effectively as it relies on specific cards to work, however it can be stunning when enough powerful cards are obtained.

Trickster - Uses alternative win cards to gain glory quickly. Caravans, Mammoths and the like take up a good portion of their deck.

Controller - uses shutout cards like negate and disenchant to control the flow of the game.

Great Champion - is based around getting a large creature into play quickly and supporting it. Several large creatures is better, it is powerful but falls to a speed deck if not balanced very well with rather expensive cards.

Scout - uses a large number of small creatures and cheap buildings to to get a group in play and gain ground early. It is very popular currently, as it is very effective.

There should be a bit of a wheel going with each type beating certain ones and falling to others. Sadly it is not so, at least not for most. Builder Decks are very strong, but require expensive buildings to work well. Cavetroll plays one in clashes often enough, and he dominates frequently. Getting enough of just the right cards to play it effectively is expensive or takes a very long time to build. Spellcasters are reliant on only one or two cards, and it takes a lot of rare cards to get it to play correctly, it works wonders when it works, but at present lacks cards allowing it to shine, and often the needed cards are not available until its too late. Scout decks are the most common right now, as buying a lot of cheap sylvans lets you make a Scout deck easily. Scout decks should win if they can find and destroy most bases early, but they should be losing a lot more often to stronger slow decks than they are.

I look forward to see new cards, and others take on these ideas and archtypes. I also look forward to how the balance will shift between these styles of play.

 Post subject: Re: Army Archtypes - Player Classes in TFW
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 4:43 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:51 am
Posts: 584
Location: Madison, WI
Given your descriptions, I guess I would fall into the "general" category-- though I'm hoping you meant "general" as in, military leader, and not general as "generic". I've always been a supporter of decks heavily laden with creatures... and I don't lose to builders too often.

 Post subject: Re: Army Archtypes - Player Classes in TFW
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:48 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:35 am
Posts: 49

What class would i be...

I dont think I am there......

That's ok

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