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 Post subject: Help Teh Noob
 Post Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:48 pm 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
Posts: 951
I've been playing this game for a couple weeks, and have noticed that I..well..suck :-)

I need some help with the basics for deck building. I can never seem to get the domain to building to creature to spell to casting cost to number of cards in deck ration right... and often get screwed by having too many buildings in hand -or- cards with low flux cost but need 2 or more domain in hand with only one domain bdg out there -or- cards that have too high of a flux cost in hand.

I realize this means that I just don't fully understand the ratios.

I come from an MTG background, where you generally play approx 1/3 land, have a mana curve, etc, etc..

I am getting thrown off witht the domain+flux and how that should work in a deck building..

So, ideally--> how many cards do you want to run? Of those, how many creatures? spells? buildings?

---> how many domains do you play?

---> AND WHAT is your ideal "flux + domain" curve?

 Post subject: Re: Help Teh Noob
 Post Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:56 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:40 pm
Posts: 95
Part of the game is understanding how autodraw works for domain. There are some threads out there explaining it in detail but in brief it'll give you a building base when you need one and domain if you have cards in hand that need domain.

So domain can be a little less than in MtG, probably around 20% or less. Creatures should be half. Spells and enchantments the remainder. Take a look at the default decks for typical examples.

One or two domain is typical.

Of course there are decks that break the rules on purpose. Pure building decks, benefits decks, or decks with Astridian Bazaars might break those "rules".

 Post subject: Re: Help Teh Noob
 Post Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:06 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:33 pm
Posts: 50
I guess that you don't understand that there is an autodraw system in place(that is: if you have a domain building or card in your deck when you need domain in order to play that card - you will draw that domain giving card), there is the autodraw explanation somewhere on the forums.

It is also the reason - why the minimum deck size is not always optimal(unlike mtg), because you want to have a bigger percentage of non-domain cards, but you should experiment with that yourself.

I play 4 domain giving cards in my sylvan/elemental deck and 41 cards(0 3rd domain spells).

I play 9 domain giving cards in my Mountain Folk deck and 43 cards(9 3rd domain spells).

In drafts and sealed you want around 4 domain cards if you are going for 2 domain max deck, and around 6 if you are going for 3 domain stuff or 3 to 4 color deck. I usually play 25 to 30 cards depending on how many good ones I get.

 Post subject: Re: Help Teh Noob
 Post Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:05 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:40 pm
Posts: 95
I actually went and counted the domain giving cards in my decks and 20% is way too high. 15% is probably closer to the right number for domain, and 20% for buildings in general perhaps.

Another way of getting to the "right" number is to go on your highest domain casting cost and add one or two.

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