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 Post subject: Borderlands Opinions - Elementals
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:56 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:09 pm
Posts: 51
Here's my initial opinion on the new Elemental cards.


Pillar of Fire
(X)EX Uncommon
Comes into play with X vision tokens. Loses 2 vision tokens every round.
0A 3H 0S 0V 0R

Pillar of Fire is very fun and very flavorful. And with Solstice, this becomes a thing of beauty. This is what Epicenter wants to be.

Hall of Mist
2EXX Rare
2, Sacrifice: Create a Hall of Mist within 2 spaces.
No Ruins
0A 2H 0S 1V 0R

Elementals get another fun building this set. Hall of Mist is the king of tricks, whether it's refusing to die or seen scooting across the map in search of flux. The fact that it swims shouldn't be overlooked either.


Mud Mogi
2E Common
Can only attack Creatures. When Mud Mogi attacks it gives negative vision tokens instead of damage.
2A 3H 3S 3V 2R

Mr. Mud Mogi has a very interesting ability. So far, I'm not too impressed with him, as he seems to be outclassed by Flash Powder. It takes time to blind, and if an opponent attacks with 2 or more creatures, then his usefulness is greatly diminished. I think he could use a little boost, but I'm not sure what. An extra attack would probably be too good, but an extra health or range would probably be fair.

Marauding Puddle
2E Rare
Once a Round: Adjacent space becomes ocean until start of round. If space is occupied this costs 1.
Any space under Marauding Puddle is Ocean as long as the Puddle is in this space.
Spawn Ocean.
1A 2H 3S 3V 0R

This creature is good. It's especially fun to have an enemy creature end an action by an ocean with this in your hand. A very useful and very unique aquatic creature.

Dirt Bully
4E Common
3A 3H 3S 3V 0R

Nothing flashy here, but he has solid stats. He's good.

Lesser Anemoi
5E Common
1A 2H 7S 4V 0R

5 flux is a lot to pay, but 7 speed with aloft makes this the most mobile creature in the game. At 1 domain, it can come out quickly to harass the enemies. Or throw a Gaze of the Tyrant on it and dance from flux well to flux well at the first sign of trouble. I admit that I thought that this would be complete garbage before I played it, but I was pleasantly surprised with the results.

5EXX Uncommon
3A 4H 4S 3V 0R

Just like Dirt Bully, Kaikias is nothing special, but he gets the job done.


Ice Sheet
0E Odd
Enchant Unoccupied Space
Any Figure on the Ice Sheet is moved to random adjacent space.

There are several cards in the new set that emphasize area control through preemptive action. At 0 flux, I can't really complain about this one.

3E Uncommon
Enchant World
Creatures not adjacent to another Figure at the end of the round take 1 damage.

This acts as decent global creature control. It definitely slows down advancing enemies. A fine addition.

Steam Vent
1EX Common
Enchant Unoccupied Land Space
(Dim): Any Figure in this space takes 4 damage.

This is the big brother of Ice Sheet. I haven't found it too terribly useful, but to be fair I haven't played with it a whole lot. It would probably be pretty nice with Teleport effects.

Krokees Sink
2EX Rare
Enchant Land Space
(3): Target Enemy building changes places with Sink. Sink is now controlled by controller of building. Can only use this ability if there is no figure in this space.

This is some very nice building removal. When used on a building on/adjacent to a flux well, it doesn't matter that your opponent gains control, because there's little chance that they'll pay to move one of your buildings next to a flux well.

Call of Krokees
3EX Uncommon
Lifespan (3)
Enchant Building
Enchanted Building gains +3 speed and is also considered a Construct Creature and doesn't give control.

Most easily compared to Legs of Baba Yaga, Call of Krokees serves a very similar role. Becoming a creature also opens up some interesting interactions.

Essene Conduit
1EXX Common
Enchant Land Space
(Dim): Creature on or adjacent to Conduit loses 1 Health. Undim other Entity.

Abrixian Sparker in enchantment form! This is obviously good when combined with some healing (or Animate Boulder). Playing 3 of these and 3 Abrixian Sparkers can be absolutely crazy.


2EX Common
All spaces within 2 of target space are Lowered.

This is spell is fine for what it does. It covers a very large area, and a double Inundation to put an opponent's entire base into the ocean is pretty fun.

Beckon the Bricks
2EXX Uncommon
Target Building gains 1 Health Token for every other Building in play. Every other Building loses 1 Health.

This is the new Elemental card that I like the least. A 3 domain Iron Gate is not high on the list of things I want to play with. I think that a whole domain can be cut from the cost so it sits at 2EX.

2EXX Common
Move a Flux Well controlled by a player to another space controlled by the same player.

This is a pretty situational card, but I think it's fine. It is pretty fun to play Pillar of Fire and then Reroute a Flux Well back to your home base.

Overall, I think that Borderlands adds a lot to the Elementals. Nothing seems to be overly powerful, and I found only Mud Mogi and Beckon the Bricks to be sub-par. Of course, my experience is limited, so I could be wrong.

What does everyone think about the new Elemental cards?

 Post subject: Re: Borderlands Opinions - Elementals
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:27 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:35 pm
Posts: 51
that is detailed and pretty much covered it.
i have nothing else to say but good effort...

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