Hunting Grounds
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Author:  kash [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Hunting Grounds

I feel like this card is undercosted. Most of the glory gaining cards are 2 or 3 domains. This card fundamentally changes the rules about how glory is gained, and does so at essentially no cost so it can be done turn 1. It feels like this card should cost more in either flux or domain to give the opponent a chance to get set up a little first.

Author:  Practice [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunting Grounds

My thinking is: Why make a card that spams mastodons? Doesn't it kind of render the actual mastodon card as obsolete?

Hunting grounds is cool, but maybe make it spawn a different unaligned creature that you can kill for glory.

Maybe something with 3 HP that when killed only gives 2 glory instead of 4.

Author:  kash [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hunting Grounds

This same complaint, although not quite as badly, applies to Aurora Borealis. The reason I don't think it is quite as bad is that, if you say rid of the aurora after 12 turns (to pick a random number), your opponent has only whatever glory he gathered to that point. If you get rid of Hunting Grounds after 12 turns, the map is full of mammoths and they are almost certainly going to decide the game, even though the enchant is gone.

Compare this to Time of Heroics, which I am entirely ok with because it costs 3 domain. Both my opponent and I should be capable of very nasty things once we reach that point, so pretty much anything goes, as I should be able to respond in kind. Certainly every domain at the very least has a card that can destroy enchantments once it reaches 3 domain.

This says to me that Hunting Grounds should definitely be 3 domain. Aurora Borealis I could see an argument for 2 domain, but the added ability of entirely stopping the gain of glory by normal means suggests it ought to be 3 as well.

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