I understand your frustration, but running from this dude is not a solution I endorse.
That is the exact behavior that emboldens a bully to continue his meaner ways.
And, sadly, our planet is full of people that behave this way. Retreating will not work!!
I believe evolution itself is the answer here. It has been defined as "a gradual development,
especially to a more complex form." Bullies abound because they are allowed to thrive.
As a gaming community, we can influence to what degree they are accepted in our midst.
If we consistently give 'em the old heave-ho, they will become more or less extinct.
That is good in my book. Action, consequence.
So let us combine forces, give this dude a clear signal that frequent
outbursts of this nature cross the proverbial line in the sand, and let him make the next move.
Behavior improves = great! Behavior continues = hasta la vista chump. That is all.