Now you can sell cards to server and buy phantom cards for acorns.
General:- Added option to select new phantoms domain, that domain is used whenever phantom card is given.
- Added Phantom filter to Army tab; now it is possible to: show Phantom cards, show only Phantom, or hide Phantom cards.
- Added option to purchase Phantom Pack (150 Acorns) and Phantom cards (at latest Market price, in acorns).
- Added daily and weekly Acorn reward for winning games: 5 wins/day = 20 acorns, 25 wins/week = 140 acorns. (Planned gold reward for weekly wins).
- Added option to sell cards to the server when there are no bids on the Market (1g for Common, 5g for Uncommon and Odd, 20g for Rare), maximum 5 cards per day.
UI:- Display "Watch" button instead of "Join" for tournaments when minimum-wins restriction prevents you from playing.
- Display first new card instead of blank card in new cards popup.
- Display fog instead of blank card in battle screen at start.
- Display "End Turn" instead of "Pass" when pressing it would cause the turn to end.
- Filter bar is always expanded now and filters display names on mouseover.
- Improved card buying dialog in market.
- Slightly improved gold indicator layout, added tooltips.
- Fixed "Your Army is set." being displayed in tournament even when you can't select an army due to wins limit.
- Fixed issue of text tags not ignoring spaces (e.g. both {C,Lysis} and {C, Lysis} work now).
- Fixed games against AI being displayed as two games in battles list.
- Fixed "Betting Action!" being displayed for invalid bets (zero or negative values).
Browser version:- Added option to disable hex grid display.
- Improved battle-terrain quality.
- Improved controlled-territory display.
- Improved target-hex action-selection markers.
- Fixed negative vision and range circles being displayed.
Client version:Battle:- Reveal hand to all allies in team battles.
- Added option to reveal hand and map vision to watchers.
- Fixed issue with Warren not autodrawing.
- Fixed issue with team battles not revealing map properly to watchers.
- Fixed Pass All + Unpass All allowing a player to act when the round should have ended.
Scenarios:- Added Handicap scenario, which allows flux-per-round and glory-per-round handicaps to be set for each player.
- Fixed issue with the "void fogMap()" script command not obscuring map to watchers.
Server:- Added regular cleanup of invalid market Asks and Bids (every 24 hours).
- Fixed issue with tournaments closing when last player leaves before tournament start (Expert Clash and Beginners Clash will no longer disappear).
- Fixed issue with default tournaments (Free Draft, Free Sealed, Zwar Gokken, etc.) closing and not re-spawning.
- Fixed issue allowing Warrens and Imperial Keeps to be traded.