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 Post subject: Collection for sale (124 Rares, 19 Odd & 306 Uncommons)
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:08 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:25 pm
Posts: 10
Im also selling my collection of cards, if you are interested in what i have and making an offer, send me a pm over the forum.

Last edited by Midnight on Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Collection for sale
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:48 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:25 pm
Posts: 10
Total: 124 Rares

4x Acmar's Disruptor
3x Astridian Bazaar
1x Bronze Statue
1x Epicenter
1x Gossamer Palace
2x Gilded Organ
2x Ghost Crypt
1x Hadarck's Throne
2x Ivory Spire
1x Seat of the Essenes
1x Sigvatr's Arena
4x Storm Factory
3x Underworld Gate

1x Agent of Death
2x Barkskin Dragon
2x Dag Cannon
1x Caravan of Dreams
1x Blaze of Abrixa
1x Bilgrin's First Prototype
2x Dire Cave Cricket
2x Driftwood Golem
1x Elder Ent
1x Glorn Airship
1x Fire Beetle
1x Guuthlun Tempest
2x Lord of Chaos
2x Naga Sentinel
1x Lord Zyngyth
1x Pine Ent
2x Pixie Queen
2x Rithig, Titan Pariah
2x Sadathian Mercenaries
2x Tortured Ghost
1x Tamed Frost Wyrm
3x Tree Mother
2x Trunk Hermit
2x Xosan Heresiarch
2x Yalrinian Fiend

3x Awaken the Stones
3x Bard's Inspiration
1x Bell of Dorn
2x Belligerent Dryad
2x Claimed with Blood
1x Charm
2x Desolation Totem
1x Erg Geyser
2x Glimpse of Greatness
4x Force Fence
1x Greening
1x Harmonic Dissonance
2x Lava Blister
1x Null Stone
2x Mass Confusion
3x Loyal Wilds
1x Overclock
1x Planar Intersection, Fire
2x The Nothing
1x Sigvatr's Arena
1x Shroud of Blackness
2x Traitorous Foundation
4x Cold Snap

2x Drain Blood
2x Earthquake
1x Foreshadowing Ragnarok
1x Hill Giant Contractors
3x Morph
1x Micro Tectonics
1x Meld
1x Scorched Horizons
1x Spontaneous Combustion
2x Soul Plague
1x Twisting Intentions

Total: 19 Odd

Creatures: (6x)
2x Crushing Wheel
1x Fairy Emissary
3x Griblarnock

Enchants: (8x)
3x Foul Termite Infestation
2x Power Alteration
2x Solstice
1x Subject of Loathing

Spells: (5x)
2x Early Dawn
2x Humiliation
1x White Elephant

Total: 306

3x Astridian Forum
3x Beacon of Celador
3x Baltasar's Lash
2x Chambered Reef
6x Exhausted Mine ***
4x Foul Obelisk *
4x Heart of the Mountain *
4x Hadarck's Fort *
3x Magnetite Beacon
3x Sphere of Radiance
2x Thunderhead Reach
2x Temple of Zorn

2x Abrixian Sparker
3x Alearwyn Barque
3x Alpine Spirit
2x Arc Mage
5x Baron of Dellen **
3x Blind Assassin
3x Blunderbuss Squad
3x Epic Veteran
6x Dust Devil ***
2x Dusk Efreet
3x Daring Naturalist
1x Form of Vigor
3x Galom's Prospectors
3x Geomantic Trickster
3x Ghost Ship
3x Hypnotic Banshee
3x Hex Chaser
4x Haunt *
3x Hadth, Drill Sergeant
2x Goose Tamer
2x Journeyman Necromancer
3x KDPW Levy Corps
4x Leprous Shambles *
2x Ord Beast
4x Nether Plasma *
3x Lightning Elemental
3x Putrid Zombie
2x Silver Stagg
5x Skull Catapult **
2x Spaf's Greatbow
6x Stalking Spirit ***
3x Ulg Turtle
3x Toothless Mastodon
4x Undead Octopus *
3x Water Weird
2x Wind Mogi
1x Windreader
3x Zeppelin Raiders

4x Arid Encroachment *
1x Benefits of Spectacle
4x Benefits of a Clear Mind *
3x Bear Strength
3x Barrier Peaks
3x Attrition
3x Blessed are the Meek
3x Cloud Tether
2x Corrupting Flux
2x Energy
7x Draknor's Chain ****
2x Flash Powder
1x Foul Termite Swarm
3x Gills and Fins
4x Hallows Eve *
6x Icy Encasement ***
3x Legs of Baba Yaga
3x Lightness of Being
6x Light of Day ***
2x People's Champion
2x Planar Intersection, Air
3x Tales of Yore
2x Tunnel Complex
4x Treetop Dominion *
3x Training
4x Wandering Whorl *
5x Woodland Link **

2x Ancient Battlefield
4x Arcane Adjustment *
3x Call from the Pit
5x Call to Battle **
3x Downpour
3x Impure Impulses
3x Knowing Despair
3x Ley Displacement
3x Naturescaping
3x Lightning Bolt
1x Reanimate
3x Refracting Mist
4x Restore Nature's Balance *
4x Sand Storm *
4x Sinkhole *
2x Skulduggery
3x Telda Bloom
3x Teleport

Too many commons to list, ive got at least 3 of everything with lots of extra to sell.

 Post subject: Re: Collection for sale (124 Rares, 19 Odd & 306 Uncommons)
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:22 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:30 pm
Posts: 25
How much?

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