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Post subject: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:10 pm |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:24 pm Posts: 15
I'm making this for myself and others to post their comments, suggestions and criticisms in.
So far, The Far Wilds is addicting. It's a solid idea, combining my twin interests of strategy games and tcg's. The interface and such need some streamlining, and the gameplay needs tweaking, but this is to be expected with a new beta. There are a few suggestions I'd like to make along those lines.
1. A guild/Clan/whatever feature. Fully integrated, please, nobody likes having to add a ridiculous tag to your username to signify that you're in a group.
2. Premade maps, and/or improvements to the random map generator. It's far too easy to end up in an unwinnable game simply because you picked a sspot that looked good at the time, but ended up locking you in.
3. Easier acquisition of new cards. Not everyone will be willing or able to afford shelling out ten bucks for virtual cards. Such players are automatically at a disadvantage, so soften it a little by making it easier to obtain new cards...say, 1 random card for every victory in a ranked, tournament, league or draft match.
4. More indepth tutorials. This game has a pretty steep learning curve if you aren't intimately familiar with tcg's, and some basic functions (such as figuring out how to use special abilities) have to be figured out by trial and error.
Should anything else come to mind, I'll post it in here. Feel free to add your own suggestions as well.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:15 am |
I have to agree in regards to obtaining cards. It's a solid game but getting one gold for winning a battle is essentially worthless. Granted, you're trying to finance the game by making it more desirable for people to buy gold but making five per battle would be much more palatable. At that point you're still looking at 30 games to get a single pack of cards. Essentially one game played would equal 2.5 cents. As opposed to the current status where one game played equals 0.5 cents. Either way, there's plenty incentive to buy gold, but in one of those cases there's a huge disincentive to play.
Especially with a start up, you want to err on the side of not doing anything to drive away new players. You can always alter the balance at a later date once you have an established player base who have something invested in continuing.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:44 am |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:02 pm Posts: 2
I'm loving the game so far. I played MTG for years, and this is fun. So I have a few suggestions. We need a mulligan function. I know there's an autodraw, but I'm talking at the beginning of the game if I only have 1 card I can use right off the bat I'd want to redraw my hand with a slight penalty. If, for example, I have a bunch of cards with high flux cost or high domain cost I'd like to redraw my entire hand and hope for something lower. That should be an option.
Also when you mouse over a symbol in-game it should have a floating window to tell you what the symbol is.
Also maybe lower the price on a booster pack. At this point it's comparable to MTG at around $3.50 for a pack. I gout out of MTG cause it was so expensive and sucked all my money away. I fully understand that this is an indie game and you need all the money you can get to pay your bills, but for the average gamer paying say $30 or something (which depending on your card catalog is about the right amount to hope to get a few decent rares) to play with maybe 30-50 different people is just a little unrealistic I think.
That's another thing. I'd love to see a full card catalog online. Maybe even a link to purchase individual cards at a higher markup, like with CCG stores. That's where you could make some sweet money. And like with EoJ, if you limit one card of the ultra-rares per deck that might be useful.
In league play I think you should have the option to maybe narrow down the races of cards you get. Maybe you could select only green-red or yellow-brown or any combo and only get cards from them, along with color-less. It would certainly make building a non-crap deck much easier. I've been whipped because I don't have any "destroy creature" type of cards available without completely remaking my entire deck. And even then I only have one total.
Just some cockamamie suggestions from a fan of what could potentially be a really great game. Keep up the good work guys!
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:01 am |
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am Posts: 1045
This is a great thread guys. Please keep it coming. I didn't want to hijack it with just one answer so I created a new thread about the issue of gold per game: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=193
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:01 am |
aloft is to powerfull, or there just isnt enough stuff that can deal with it. A barkskin dragon or volcanic pheonix just says I win. Only the slyvan has much chance cause they have quite a bit of range, but i've been playing in the tourney, i have no aloft creatures, and if my opponute drop one they flat out win because of it, they tend to be absolutly huge beyond that ability, usualy with enough attack to kill most creatures in one hit, deny you much chance to fight them, and if done right, it attacks after you've used them opportunisticly. It grants movement, and protection from attacks, and lot of the good spells to take care of creatures ive seen like entangle and avalanch can't be used on them.
The phoenix in particular because you can blow it up and it never hits ground to attack, you get another one, so you have to get all your damage back on, i have no clue how your releasticly going to be capable of killing the phoenix, which yeah i get its a pheonix but its just to devistating, maybe it should go back to your hand not into play again or something, maybe with a tweek in cost but its for all purposes invincable right now.
Other notes i agree there should be some sort of card cataloge to see cards. And some of the cards the text can't be read, i saw someone drop this "turtle" it had some abilities that ran off the card, completely clueless as to what it could do, maybe show the card text when you float your mouse over it. Theres a few cards this is a big issue for, like the steam building in the dwarf clan, the one that blows up, you can't see how much it blows up for.
The game is great once everything is smoothed out it will be a masterpiece. I really enjoy playing so far.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:39 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:29 pm Posts: 254
I would love to see some kind of friends/buddy list going on? I have a friend that plays as well, and it'd be nice to get like a little notification when he signs on, or the ability to find him quickly in the list. Which now seems like it's growing leaps and bounds (!)
_________________ -Minds
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:17 pm |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:18 pm Posts: 10
My main suggestion is to tune the auto-map generator a bit, or have a few pre-defined maps for tournies. I lost a game yesterday because I put down my base on what turned out to be a single-hex island next to the flux. That, and if there are any choke points, not being able to walk over buildings can be both terrible and overpowered.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:21 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am Posts: 1045
Quote: Other notes i agree there should be some sort of card cataloge to see cards. And some of the cards the text can't be read, i saw someone drop this "turtle" it had some abilities that ran off the card, completely clueless as to what it could do, maybe show the card text when you float your mouse over it. Theres a few cards this is a big issue for, like the steam building in the dwarf clan, the one that blows up, you can't see how much it blows up for. We see all the text? could you send us a screen shot?
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:04 pm |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:24 pm Posts: 15
A win-loss-draw counter for each player would be nice.
Also, can you set it up so that if someone accidentally disconnects from a match, it's automatically resolved as a draw? I just had to take a loss because the guy I was fighting disconnected, and I didn't feel like waiting out his timer until I won.
Post subject: Re: Comments and Suggestions Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:43 pm |
Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:06 pm Posts: 9
For Developing Player Base
1.Game Storyline: Certain players like a certain amount of depth in a game and having a strong storyline would help.
2.Campaign Mode:I actually have some ideas on how to go about doing it too but It would be nice to know whether it is every going to happen before I explain my idea.
3.Character Stat/Profile: Something that can be developed slowly like placing statistics of win / loss ratios and Character preferences.
4.Awards/ Levels/ Medals/Badges/Special Cards: I play on kongregate and you get badges added to your profile for accomplishing certain things. Or special challenges are set and you get special cards. So on and so forth.
5.Player Cards: Special cards that show vital statistics about the player. Card can be given out by player and can be sold by Far Wild Vendors.
6.Maps: Preset Maps, Bigger Maps, Different Goals within maps, More Opponents at once. |--- Meaning more players together, and larger area to fight over. Different victory conditions to work towards.
7.Cards: Some form of catalog. |--- The Development of cards: Like putting dialog text as seen in MTG cards. Add depth to the creatures. --- Along with that kind of development perhaps even the advancement of cards like making cards upgradeable during game play. Gaining experience through building or unit kills and getting stronger. Or paying flux to just upgrade the unit. --- Ex. Paying Flux to upgrade a regular base into one that can shoot down aloft creatures. Or paying double the casting cost to put a plus one wall around the base. --- More development could include the ability to use tactics like entrenching over time which I've seen with dwarves or flanking, or other tactical moves
8. AI: Improvement to the AI concerning types of game play and map set-ups.
9. Game Development Progress: This is a beta game that is still underdevelopment as well as going through growth spurts and mid-game tweaks. Perhaps some form of log update similar to the one made by the programmer of Dwarf Fortress 2. The way player know you are advancing the game and will having something to look forward too.
10. Learning Curve issue: In depth guide similar to the little books most CCG cards game have as well as a tutorial mode game against an AI further instructing noobs. ;D
11. Game play: |--- The ability to mulligan would be a nice add. |--- The ability to Anti up cards for those who have them would also be good
I can probably think of more later but...umm a Thanks to those whom I've siphon some ideas off.
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