Mispelling of the real card was intentional.

Tribute/Revenge to :
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1702Monyx Da Purs0na1 CaRd Createor
3 UA
4 Flux
Controller of Monyx loses 4 Flux at the end of round.
(1 Glory) Add one random card of a selected domain to your hand.
Monyx can't take damage.
1 3/3 7 3 0
zblader the cursed.
2 DL 1 unalligned 0 flux
controller of zblader the cursed loses 1 glory at end of each round.
zblader the cursed cannot be sacrificed by any other figure's ability.
(3 flux)sacrifice zblader the cursed and he spawns at random enemy base under their control.
0 6/6 1 1 0
... I LOVE this idea!
And not only that, I can see clearly 'cause the rain is gone!