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 Post subject: What do you think about these cards?
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:46 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
There are a few cards that are particularly hard to value. What do you guys think about the following:
Gilded organ
Null Stone
Bard's Inspiration
Belligerent Dryad
Traitorous Foundation
Harmonic Dissonance
People's Champion
Call from the Pit

Are they too expensive, too cheap, broken, worthless?

 Post subject: Re: What do you think about these cards?
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:35 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:48 am
Posts: 79
Gilded Organ
I think the cost is fine. It is a pretty powerful card though, if you get several glory points ahead and play it when you have atleast 4 or 5 glory points I believe you're pretty much guaranteed a win. Since no spells can be played no way to instakill the building (ruin or sinkhole). it'll be hard to get rid of. It even negates the card Negate, because now that it's in play you can't play that spell to get rid of it.

Null Stone
I haven't played it much, but I can see some good uses for it. Throw it down next to your loyal wilds enchant or place it next to important buildings to protect against building destruction spells. It's a very niche card, not useless, but not a card you would play in every deck.

Bard's Inspiration
Hard to judge this cards value. It's not broken or worthless at all. I'd have to go with the value is fine, because it has be placed into an uncontrolled space and it has to be next to a mountain or ocean. With those tight restrictions it makes it kind of hard to place. I've played on maps many times where there was only one or two mountains and a handful of ocean spots.

Belligerent Dryad
The card is very limited use, the only time I'd ever put it into a deck is in a wider woods/loyal wilds deck. Most maps have very little contiguous forests to start with, so unless you're specifically playing wider woods/loyal wilds it wouldn't be that much help, most maps have several patches or 1 or 2 tile forests, which is easily avoided if enchanted with this.
I thought about arguing lowering the cost down to maybe just 1 or 2 domain, to use it as an early defense kind of enchant. But even then because of the randomness and usual sparsity of forests, I don't think I'd put this card in any other deck.

Traitorous Foundation
I've looked at this card many times and want to play it. I think the cost is fine, because it's such a strong card. The one problem I've had is in my flux controlling/glory decks is that most of that is mountain folk, when you play a multidomain deck it's harder to get the 3 domain necessary. I try to limit my cards in multidomain decks to 2 domain cards.

Harmonic Dissonance
This is one of those cards I would probably never play. The only time I could see it being kind of useful is in a speed type deck, because all those creatures cost very little flux so it wouldn't impact you as much as it would the others. Requiring 3 domain though is the one thing that kind of prevents this from being very useful to a speed deck. If you're going speed you most likely won't reach 3 domain, but if you do and it goes into late game this card could help turn it around and/or keep you in it.
I kind of feel it costs to much, but on the other hand it's pretty powerful so it needs a high cost. With this enchant out, it makes quite a few things unplayable, because they cost more flux than is possible to produce every turn.
Out of curiousity, what is the max flux you can gain every turn?

People's Champion
I'd have to argue the cost is fine, you don't want something that gives glory points to cheap. I don't think the card is worthless at all, because it's a neutral card and requires any 3 domain it can be played in virtually every deck that has creatures. It's free glory!

I play this in my wider woods/loyal wilds deck, because once I get those out in play I don't need many actions. It slows down my opponent while I'm relatively unaffected. I think the card is fine the way it is.

Call from the Pit
I haven't play tested this card at all. I'm assuming it would work a bit like fate bind though, where each creature can either do nothing or move closer to that spot. I can a minor use for this, if I don't have creatures out, I could use it as a small defense to keep your creatures from attacking my buildings for a turn, but only if they haven't attacked already. If I have creatures out though, it wouldn't help me out at all. I kind of feel this card is kind of useless as it currently is.
I'd like to suggest a change to game mechanics for the card.
When played it automatically moved the creatures one tile closer and dimmed them(because that counts as their movement), in which case it could be handy. If it automatically moves them you could drag creatures into oceans or into The Nothing or into Foul Termite swarms. You could drag creatures through fear, get them away from that Emerald Springs so they'll die this turn.
I can find lots of uses if it automatically moved them, but giving the player the choice to move towards the spot or do nothing kind of negates this card completly.

Please let me know if I'm assuming something works a way that it does not.

 Post subject: Re: What do you think about these cards?
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:51 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
Thanks for the feedback...

Well there are a lot of cards that can create forest so I think it might be more useful. It also can be used multiple times in the same round. Since its ability doesn't tap it.

There isn't a max flux you can gain a turn. Normally it would be number of flux points you control +2. But there could be other things going on.

Call from the pit:
I reworded the card. It is actually a spell so it just happens once. It moves all the units one hex toward it even if they can't normally move there. So you could move dudes into oceans or what not. But it doesn't dim them. maybe it should? but that seems like people would use it for that rather than the moving ability. Also now it has the cool side effect of once all the Units are pulled closer to each other you might be able to attack a guy you couldn't before. Maybe you should be able to move them a variable number of spaces?

 Post subject: Re: What do you think about these cards?
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:03 am 
but what if 'call from the pit' was placed on the side of the opponents base? it would bring your units closer and pull the opponent's back, right?

 Post subject: Re: What do you think about these cards?
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:10 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
kupster: yeah that is probably a great way to use the card.
(you can login to the forum with your game username and pass btw)

 Post subject: Re: What do you think about these cards?
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:15 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17 pm
Posts: 98
My view on two of the cards: Gilded Organ and Harmonic Dissonance.

Gilded Organ.
I believe this card is interesting, but broken as it can be placed in a corner where your opponent(s) have no chance to reach it. It seriously messes with the game balance, giving the player who uses it an automated win in 99% of the games. I believe it would be more fair if Gilded Organ was an enchantment or a spell with a limited lifespan.(For example two rounds.) That way you could slow down the game a bit, but the opponent still have a chance to win.

Zwidar wrote:
Harmonic Dissonance
This is one of those cards I would probably never play. The only time I could see it being kind of useful is in a speed type deck, because all those creatures cost very little flux so it wouldn't impact you as much as it would the others. Requiring 3 domain though is the one thing that kind of prevents this from being very useful to a speed deck. If you're going speed you most likely won't reach 3 domain, but if you do and it goes into late game this card could help turn it around and/or keep you in it.
I kind of feel it costs to much, but on the other hand it's pretty powerful so it needs a high cost. With this enchant out, it makes quite a few things unplayable, because they cost more flux than is possible to produce every turn. ...

I believe this card (and the other 2+ base requiring non faction cards) is bugged.
The card as it is right now has great potential, but is crippled at the moment due to the fact that you need to have three bases of one type to use it.
I don't have much use for the card right now, but it would be the core of my deck if it was usable with three bases of any kind on the board instead of three bases from same faction.


 Post subject: Re: What do you think about these cards?
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:18 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:00 am
Posts: 25
I agree with Zwidar only a little. Can't wait for the tournament this weekend.

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