Barksoul Puritan

3Creature Treent
Armour 1, Piercing 1 (Ignors 1 Level of Armour)
Power - 1 | Hit Points - 2/2 | Speed - 3 | Vision - 2 | Range - 0
The puritans fight in the same manner that any tree conquers rock. Slowly but surely, the will pass any foe's defences.|-|-|-|
Merfolk Mage

5Creature Swims
Spawn in Ocean
Merfolk Mage cannot be targeted by spell's or abilities your opponant controls. Damage from creatures is taken normaly.
Cannot Target anything not in 2 of an Ocean Space.
0: Target space in sight becomes Ocean until of turn. Use this ability only three times a turn.
Power - 2 | Hit Points - 1/1 | Speed - 6 | Vision - 2 | Range - 4