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 Post subject: Some More Cards
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:22 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
Although It may seem pretty hopeless to continue the card ideas forum, i'm still going at it any way :twisted:.
Benefits of Darkness
2 Flux
Enchant World
1 DL 1 Unaligned
Whoever has the creature with the least vision gains 1 glory at the end of the round.

Benefits of Confusion
1 Flux
Enchant World
1 HoC 1 UA (Unaligned)
Whoever has the most Entities on the field but the least hex occupation gains 1 glory at the end of the round.

Planar Intersection, Water
1 EL
3 Flux
Enchant Ocean
All hexes adjacent to enchant become ocean.
(3 Flux, Dims) Any Figure within two hexes of enchant is enchanted with Swims and any unoccupied space within 2 spaces becomes ocean.

Last edited by Zblader on Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Some More Cards
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:32 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
Planar Intersection, Earth
3 Flux
1 EL 1 UA
Enchant Hill or Mountain
(2 Flux, Dims) Target terrain is lowered or raised(you cannot lower a swamp to an ocean).
(3 Flux, Dims) Create a Dirt Bully with Lifespan(2), 2 Minus Attack Tokens, and Wither on enchantment.

Nether Space
Enchant World
7 Flux
1 UA
Provides 1 Unaligned domain. Creatures cannot be removed from the board or moved to a to a hex by a spell, ability, or enchantment. All Creatures with a speed of 0 gain a speed of 1.

Dark of Night
2 Flux
1 DL
Enchant World
Lifespan (2)
All of opponent's creatures have their vision reduced by 2.

Supply Wagon
5 Flux
1 UA
Enchant Living Creature
If Enchanted Creature is in Enemy Area that they control, they heal 1 Damage at the beggining of round.

 Post subject: Re: Some More Cards
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:46 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
0 Flux
0 UA (Just to show what kind of card it is.)
1 1/1 2 1 0
Thug cannot be the target of any Spell or Enchantment.

Return to Creation
5 Flux
3 UA
All Corpses and ruins are sent back to their respective armies. Your Army is the shuffled.

Glory Everlasting
4 Flux
2 UA
Declare 1 type of creature. All creatures of that type are removed from the board.

Pharoah's Tomb
5 Flux
0 4/4 0 1 0
If a creature attacks Pharoah's tomb, the owner of that creature loses 1 glory.
A well built tomb for the Ruler of another era. It is considered a sacred ground.

2 Flux
1 UA
1 2/2 2 0 0
(0 Flux) Adjacent Creature you control to Canoe is Taken by Canoe. Canoe gains any vision or range that creatue had.
(Dims) Replace taken creature on an adjacent land space.

 Post subject: Re: Some More Cards
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:57 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
Giant Tower Golem
7 Flux
Building Construct (Is both a creature and a building.)
2 UA
3 5/5 1 1 1
Can't Melee

3 Flux
1 UA
0 2/2 0 1 0
Completes Instantly
If village completes next to less than 3 entities, it is removed from the game.
When Completed, two adjacent creatures to Village are Taken by village.

Enchant Fated
Enchant Creature
9 Flux
2 UA
Provides Unaligned Domain. At the start of each round, controller of enchantment gains 3 Glory.

 Post subject: Re: Some More Cards
 Post Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:35 am 
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Donuts, yum.

 Post subject: Re: Some More Cards
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:57 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:10 am
Posts: 829
UBER wrote:
Donuts, yum.

Please do not insert unrelated stuff to this. And why'd you change your related post to something unrelated?

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