If anyone would like a signature i can make one for you. If i dont know you or if we basically never talk, there will be a charge of 40 gold or 1 rare, will also accept good uncommons. Good is basically up to my preference but any uncommon that is worth 40+ should suffice. If i know you i will probably do it for free and hope you donate whenever you can.
If you would like to see something i made. Check themists posts. I made his. His is a lil big...i wasnt sure what size to make em but the next ones i make will be smaller. Im thinking 400 x 200 but im not sure yet.
just Im me in game and let me know what sorta design you want if thats easier or send me a private message to my inbox. You can let me know u sent one by posting here. but i check it every other day so ill get it sooner or later.
Tell me what sort of images you would like and background. Keep in mind im not pro. Just a beginner but i enjoy it and im sure ill get better. Thats all for now. Thanks.
[Edit] oh and one more thing....if you cant afford 40g or dont really have a vast collection. bascially if youre new just hit me up and ill see what i can do for ya. If youre just being a cheapo thats a diff story