Call from the Pit

From theFarWilds
Revision as of 15:42, 21 September 2009 by Angelatheist (Talk | contribs)

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Spell Effect

All Creatures are moved X spaces closer to target space if no figure is blocking them.

Specifics of Operation

Call From the Pit attempts to move each creature closer to target space. It starts with the creature closest to the target space, moves that creature if possible, and then moves the next closest creature, and then the next closest, so on and so forth.

If two creatures are the same distance from the target space, Call From the Pit will attempt to the move the creature that was created first.

First attempts to move in direction of green arrow. If that fails, attempts to move in direction of red arrow.
Creatures are moved X times by the following methodology:

If there is one adjacent hex closer that is empty, creature is moved to that space. Otherwise, it isn't moved. If there are two adjacent hexes closer, creature is moved into the closest hex first. If that space is occupied, creature is moved to the other hex. if that hex is occupied, creature does not move. If two adjacent hexes are the same distance from target space, creature is moved to the clockwise space first. If that hex is occupied, creature is moved to the other hex. If that hex is occupied, creature is not moved. This process is repeated X times for every creature.

In the diagram on the left, the first attempted movement is shown as a green arrow. The second attempted movement is shown as a red arrow. Hexes that are white have only one possible move. Hexes that are pink have two possible moves; the closest hex is tried first. Hexes that are green have two possible moves; the clockwise hex is tried first.

The principle of movement is the same as that of Magnetite Beacon.

--Keyser 20:26, 17 September 2009 (UTC)

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