Ugly Pug and I had the following conversation after he saw my Iron Construct card Ideas.
Ugly Pug: You should come up with and Iron Seagull card.
Keyser: I think I've over done the Iron cards.
Keyser: Vice-Clamp: Destroy target Iron Creature Construct
Keyser: Gigantic Magnifying Glass: Destroy target insect (aka Dire Cave Cricket, Fire Beetle, ect)
Ugly Pug: Make it adjacent target Iron Creature construct
Keyser: Lumberjacks: Destroy target contiguous forest
Ugly Pug: Already have sawmill
Keyser: and Forest Fire, but those are just one hex at a time
Ugly Pug: true
Keyser: I want "poof! there it goes"
Ugly Pug: Global Warming: Target contiguous forest is changed to grassland. Target contigous grassland is changed to desert.
Keyser: Al Gore Proved a Fraud All Land Types remain as they are
Keyser: Ice Age: All creatures in play are enchanted with Icy Encasement. Lifespan(4)
Ugly Pug: like it.
Therefore, I propose the following:
tfw-iceage.jpg [ 149.28 KiB | Viewed 9656 times ]