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 Post subject: Selling everything, all or in parts! (1700+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:41 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:21 pm
Posts: 76
So it's been over 3 years since I started playing and about one year since I last played. I had no time to keep up when Borderlands came out. I love the game, but don't have the time to play it. So I'm sitting on a huge collection of cards that I feel like are going to waste.

So I'm putting up all my cards for sale. Feel free to make me REASONABLE offers here or via PM (I prefer PM, so it goes to my e-mail). Payment will be via paypal. Oh yeah, feel free to offer on all or parts.

Oh yeah, the list that follows is listed alphabetically by domain. I only have cards from the seed set.

THE CURRENT SALE PRICE FOR ALL THE CARDS IS $100, price negotiable (If you sold all the cards on the market for their sell now price, you would get ~19465 gold, so this is a great deal!!!)

And now the comprehensive list:

2x Agent of Death
8x Altar of Ix
3x Ancient Battlefield
4x Baltasar's Lash
2x Barbed Necrath
9x Beckon the Bones
8x Black Plague
2x Blind Assassin
10x Bone Fortress
6x Call from the Pit
9x Carrion Feeder
6x Corrupting Flux
8x Crypt Doctor
8x Dank Pit
7x Death Mark
9x Demonic Surge
1x Drain Blood
7x Fear
3x Fire Beetle
3x Foul Obelisk
3x Foul Termite Infestation
9x Foul Termite Swarm
9x Gather Spirits
9x Ghost Ship
8x Hallows Eve
3x Haunt
8x Hell Cat
3x Humiliation
2x Hypnotic Banshee
7x Impure Impulses
3x Journeyman Necromancer
7x Knowing Despair
5x Legs of Baba Yaga
3x Leprous Shambles
3x Lord of Chaos
3x Lysis
8x Medium of the 3rd Circle
9x Nefarious Research
3x Nether Plasma
10x Planar Rift
8x Possession
5x Psychic Parasite
3x Putrid Zombie
3x Reanimate
9x Red Imp
3x Shroud of Blackness
6x Skulduggery
6x Skull Catapult
9x Soul Broker
6x Stalking Spirit
4x Subject of Loathing
2x The Nothing
3x Tortured Ghost
3x Traitorous Foundation
6x Undead Octopus
3x Underworld Gate
1x Xosan Heresiarch
3x Yalrinian Fiend
10x Zombie

2x Abrixian Sparker
4x Arc Mage
8x Arid Encroachment
3x Awaken the Stones
8x Benefits of a Clear Mind
7x Benefits of Spectacle
1x Blaze of Abrixa
7x Buoyancy
1x Chambered Reef
12x Cinder Mogi
7x Cloud Tether
3x Cloudburst
7x Dusk Efreet
6x Dust Devil
4x Electric Storm
1x Epicenter
4x Erg Geyser
9x Fire Ball
3x Flame Ent
9x Flamekin
10x Flash Flood
5x Guuthlun Tempest
3x Hailstorm
10x Heat Wave
4x Icy Encasement
15x Isolated Twister
4x Ley Displacement
5x Lightning Elemental
2x Lord Zyngyth
14x Mana Lion
10x Mass Confusion
1x Meld
6x Micro Tectonics
10x Mogi Nest
4x Planar Intersection, Air
5x Planar Intersection, Fire
11x Prodigal Entropene
9x Reform
1x Refracting Mist
4x Sand Storm
1x Seat of the Essenes
3x Sleet Mogi
1x Solstice
3x Sphere of Radiance
3x Spontaneous Combustion
7x Spying Sparks
7x Tailwinds
1x Topological Paradox
11x Tremor
3x Vapor Mahal
7x Wandering Whorl
2x Water Weird
8x Weather Vane
5x Wind Mogi

7x Alpine Spirit
14x Animate Boulder
18x Apprentice Timesap
3x Attrition
15x Avalanche
19x Axe Captain
3x Bard's Inspiration
15x Barrier Peaks
4x Bilgrin's First Prototype
11x Blueprint
5x Blunderbuss Squad
19x Clay Ram
14x Constable of Glorn
21x Craig Scout
3x Crushing Wheel
4x Dag Cannon
1x Dire Cave Cricket
20x Disenchant
3x Downpour
7x Draknor's Chain
22x Dwarven Warrior
1x Earthquake
6x Earthworks
6x Epic Veteran
9x Exhausted Mine
3x Fissure
7x Flash Powder
5x Force Fence
3x Galom's Prospectors
10x Geomantic Trickster
5x Gilded Organ
3x Glorn Airship
5x Griblarnock
2x Hadrack's Fort
3x Hadrack's Throne
3x Hadth, Drill Sergeant
6x Heart of the Mountain
7x Hex Chaser
3x Hill Giant Contractors
20x Home Guard
16x Horns to Hide
15x Iron Gate
12x KDPW Levy Corps
3x Lava Blister
6x Line Shift
11x Magnetite Beacon
5x Manipulation
23x Mountain Blessing
4x Negate
5x Ord Stone
15x Reconstruction
13x Rune of Shielding
15x Shield Warrior
4x Sinkhole
9x Steam Charge
13x Stone Mason
6x Tales of Yore
7x Tamed Frost Wyrm
8x Training
4x Tunnel Complex
10x Volcano
15x Walled Outpost

6x Alearwyn Barque
4x Arcane Adjustment
8x Ascent
3x Bamboo Watch Tower
2x Barkskin Dragon
3x Baron of Dellen
3x Beacon of Celador
5x Bear Strength
6x Belligerent Dryad
6x Bindweed Poultice
10x Call to Battle
11x Camouflage
4x Charm
3x Daring Naturalist
7x Decomposition
9x Dellenari Beastmaster
1x Driftwood Golem
5x Elder Ent
11x Elven Scout
14x Emerald Spring
6x Energy
3x Entangle
7x Gills and Fins
6x Goose Tamer
3x Gossamer Palace
11x Graft
4x Great Oak
2x Ivory Spire
6x Light of Day
7x Lightness of Being
9x Mis-Scribed Circle
1x Morph
11x Mosslight Slor
4x Naturescaping
12x Owl Familiar
13x Pixie Wings
8x Restore Nature's Balance
13x Sapling
12x Seedburst
3x Spaf's Greatbow
13x Sparrow Scouts
7x Telda Bloom
5x Teleport
4x Temple of Zorn
3x Tenderfoot Archer
3x The Coldstream Guard
3x Thistle Falcon
8x Tree Mother
11x Treeherd
4x Treetop Dominion
3x Trunk Hermit
8x Valedune Arborist
3x Vines of Dellen
12x Wider Woods
8x Windreader
7x Woodland Link
12x Woodland Spies

4x Acmar's Disruptor
3x Alabaster Pantheon
2x Astridian Bazaar
3x Astridian Diplomat
4x Bell of Dorn
8x Blessed are the Meek
1x Bronze Statue
3x Caravan of Dreams
6x Desolation Totem
12x Dimwitted Manticore
6x Foreshadowing Ragnarok
4x Glimpse of Greatness
3x Harmonic Dissonance
13x Lawn Gargoyle
2x Naga Sentinel
5x Null Stone
3x Ord Beast
3x Overclock
3x People's Champion
3x Power Alteration
1x Rithig, Titan Pariah
2x Sadathian Mercenaries
3x Sigvatr's Arena
4x Silver Stag
12x Stone Mauler
9x Tangler
7x Toothless Mastodon
4x Ulg Turtle
3x White Elephant
4x Zeppelin Raiders

Last edited by cosmosiskwik on Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:36 pm, edited 20 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1884 Cards)
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:27 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:21 pm
Posts: 76
To give examples of reasonable offers, I'll post accepted deals here, which will also help to update numbers on the list above.

Sold 3x Scorched Horizons + 2x Glimpse of Greatness + 2x Rithig, Titan Pariah for $10

 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1800+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:12 pm 
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Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:01 pm
Posts: 526
It's sad to see another great Draknor's player quitting. :(

Good luck in RL and we hope you won't forget us completely!


Last edited by Keyser on Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
*this public service brought to you by Keyser

 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1800+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:11 am 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
Posts: 951
Zurken wrote:
It's sad to see another great Draknor's player quitting. :(

Good luck in RL and we hope you won't forget us completely!


Oh noes!!! You goofed and revealed your TRUE identity!!!

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

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 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1800+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:38 pm 
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Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:01 pm
Posts: 526
Yeah, Keyser, everyone knew already anywayz though.

 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1800+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:54 pm 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
Posts: 951
Zurken wrote:
Yeah, Keyser, everyone knew already anywayz though.

No worries. I hid it for you.

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

|| The Rise of the DCC | Plasmatium Netherious | Tastes Like Chicken | The Astridian Conspiracy ||

Guild -> | Platypus Rising|

 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1800+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:50 pm 
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Posts: 526

 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1800+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:34 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:21 pm
Posts: 76
Sold a bunch more cards, first post list edited as a result. My general rate would be about $11-13 per 1000 gold worth of cards.

LOL @ "Zurken"

Technically, I'm not quitting. Just have no time to play, so I figured I'd sell off what I'm not using. I do plan on keeping some gold/power on hand in case I ever have time to jump back in.

 Post subject: Re: Selling (almost) everything, all or in parts! (1700+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:23 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:21 pm
Posts: 76
Okay so the list there is up-to-date.

I added an instant sell price for the entire collection of cards @ only $195!!!

If you were to sell the entire collection on the market, you would get ~19465 gold, with plenty of commons leftover... so this is a great deal!!! (50% of store price value)... and you could probably get plenty more on the cards themselves (their total 'last prices' is ~35903!!!

 Post subject: Re: Selling everything, all or in parts! (1700+ Cards)
 Post Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:39 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 7:21 pm
Posts: 76
Still have these for sale, price is negotiable.

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