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 Post subject: What do you think these cards should cost?
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:44 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:07 am
Posts: 1045
I feel that these cards might be mis-priced:

Tap the Flux Line
Beckon the Bricks
Offending Musk
Astral Confusion
Loft Pigeons
Benefits of Wisdom
Paladin of Xosa
Marauding Puddle

What do you think they should be?

 Post subject: Re: What do you think these cards should cost?
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:11 pm 
The Dark Platypus
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I haven't used tap the flux line, mostly because I think it costs to much to be worth it, though I could be wrong on this. Honestly, I didn't give it a good shot yet.

Puddle is pretty fun to play, though some may find it difficult to deal with, as it can't be attacked from the land without range -- though neither can barque or ghost ship. Those costs 2 domain, but they have range. Puddle doesn't have range, so I feel one domain is fair. The ability to make puddles to drown things is awesome, but the creature is easily dealt with by anything with range, as well as lysis, sunburst, plague, swarm, possession and a variety of other cards.

If you truly feel it is undercosted, then shoot the flux cost up by a flux OR make the ability cost 2 flux if there is a figure on the spot you are watering instead of 1.

Beckon the Bricks - try making it one domain less (OR.. and THIS would be AMAZING... make it an enchantment!! -- basically combines vines of dellen + foul termite swarm into one, which was a fun deck I used to play)

Astral - might be undercosted: Is it possible to see WHICH lumi represents which enchantment? That would be really helpful, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Those are the only ones I have any real experience with so far.

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

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 Post subject: Re: What do you think these cards should cost?
 Post Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:11 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:09 pm
Posts: 51
From what I've seen, Tap the Flux Line seems to be priced about right. It's similar to a building with enough vision to capture a nearby flux well. I don't think it's costs too much at all.

Beckon the Bricks should definitely drop a domain level.

I've never played with or against Offending Musk, but if it were to drop a domain level I think it would be more playable. I see it as a kind of less versatile Black Plague.

Astral Confusion should cost at least 2 flux, as you get a Luminescence along with a world-changing enchantment. A case could even be made for it costing 3, but I don't think that's necessary.

I have tried Loft Pigeons several times, and while it's a decent card, I found that a Pilgrim's Cairn would often have the same, if not better, result. I think this could safely cost 1 less.

Benefits of Wisdom, along with Benefits of Numbers, should cost 1 less. While it's easier to incorporate into a deck than Benefits of Spectacle, the chance that it backfires and will be helpful for your opponent is much higher. However, I still don't think Benefits of Wisdom will see lots of play, simply because there is no way to easily see what creature is the oldest. With the importance that creation order has in this game, some sort of corresponding entity number should be implemented during games. But, that's for another thread at some other time.

I don't have enough experience to really comment on Paladin of Xosa. I can see how he can be a pain to deal with though.

I agree with what Keyser said about Marauding Puddle. The only time I see it as problematic is when it is able to drown (flood?) buildings, while the opponent can do nothing about it.

 Post subject: Re: What do you think these cards should cost?
 Post Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:55 am 
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Uncas wrote:
From what I've seen, Tap the Flux Line seems to be priced about right. It's similar to a building with enough vision to capture a nearby flux well. I don't think it's costs too much at all.
One of the differences is that with Tap the Flux Line you might lose two wells when losing only one building, even though playing it benefits you only for one well's worth. In addition, not many buildings cost as much as MMX4. Eye of Varexes and Kithil Treehouse cost only 3 and can control 2 wells at once. Therefore, I think it could be dropped to 2 flux.

Uncas wrote:
Beckon the Bricks should definitely drop a domain level.

Uncas wrote:
I've never played with or against Offending Musk, but if it were to drop a domain level I think it would be more playable. I see it as a kind of less versatile Black Plague.
This one has many uses black plague doesn't, and affecting non living creatures too is good. But since Chaos doesn't have any tough & fast weenies like Craig Scout (think how annoying a Craig running around with offending musk on 3rd round would be), it should be ok even at 1 domain. So I vote for 2C too, though I can see it could potentially become very strong.

Uncas wrote:
Astral Confusion should cost at least 2 flux, as you get a Luminescence along with a world-changing enchantment. A case could even be made for it costing 3, but I don't think that's necessary.
I'd value it at about 2,6 flux, which rounds to 3. :)

Loft Pigeons: 1 flux.

Benefits of Wisdom could cost 1 flux less to make it worth playing, but not numbers I think. With Numbers it's much easier to avoid backfiring, and having lots of creatures is always good anyway.

Paladin of Xosa: Obviously it would be way too strong without the glory giving ability. Its power level is equal to or slightly higher than Tortured Ghost's. Question is: how large a discount is the 4 glory to opponent IF it dies worth? I would say 0,5 since it's very hard to kill without lysis. That would bring the paladin to 4,5 flux, making 4 flux seem a bit too low and 5 a bit too high.

I think Puddle is fine as it is. Even though it can in theory flood buildings to 0 health, it takes 3 extra flux and 3 rounds with most buildings, and getting the puddle adjacent to them is often tricky or takes many rounds. It's not any harder to deal with than Thistle Falcon or Sleet Mogi, who usually get to the buildings earlier, can often beat them down safely (this depends on terrain but then again so does Puddle) without spending flux and are generally more versatile.

 Post subject: Re: What do you think these cards should cost?
 Post Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:18 pm 
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