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If you don't understand some word used in the documentation or in card text, here is a handy Glossary of terms.

Action: To perform something, such as: To attack, To move a creature, To play a card, To use an ability of an Entity. Players take turns performing actions.

Adjacent: Any of the six spaces next to the given space.

Area of Control: Each player has an Area of Control, usually generated by buildings. This is defined by the big blue line around your buildings, and the red line around your opponent's. If a building is played within your Area of Control, it builds instantly.

Attack: An Attack is either a Melee Attack or a Ranged Attack. In order to melee another Figure the attacking Figure must be able to move into the space of its victim. A Ranged attack can hit anything within the figures range. Attack is also an attribute of figures that determines how much damage it does in an attack.

Base: This is needed to build most creatures. Unless specified otherwise, Creatures can only be built adjacent to a base.

Battle Back: When Figure A melees Figure B, Figure B is given the chance to attack Figure A back even if Figure B normally wouldn't be able to move there. It can Battle back as its attack action. For example a Driftwood Golem in an ocean attacks an Axe Captain. Normally the Axe Captain can't attack the Golem because it can't move to an ocean. But since the Golem attacked first the Axe Captain is allowed to retaliate.

Building: Buildings effect your Area of Control. They give you control over any space they can see. Some buildings also give you Levels of Domain and some you need to build your creatures nearby. Most buildings cannot move or attack.

Construct: Type of Creature. Construct Creatures are not affected by Fear (Ability)

Construction Site: When a building is placed outside of your Area of Control it first becomes a Construction Site. It starts with 4 Work tokens. Each round in which the Construction site remains undamaged a Work token is removed. Once all 4 are removed, the Construction site is replaced with the finished building. Construction Sites don't leave ruins when they are destroyed.

Corpse: When a Creature is Destroyed or Sacrificed it becomes a corpse.

Creature: This is a character or creature that can move around the map. Generally they can move or attack and sometimes they have special abilities.

Destroy: Figure is removed from the game. Any effect that happens on Destroy is triggered. When Creatures are destroyed they leave a Corpse, when Buildings are destroyed they leave a Ruin. When a Figure's health reaches 0 they are destroyed after end of round.

Dim: When an Entity is Dimmed it generally means the Entity has already acted this Round and must wait till next Round to act again. Some abilities require Dimming the Entity as a cost, this is represented by the Dim.png symbol.

Domain: Domains.jpg There are 6 Domains in the Far Wilds; Sylvan, Dark Legion, Elemental, Mountain Folk,Celestial Imperium and Chaos. Domain Level is a measure of how much a player can use a particular Domain. Most cards require a certain Domain Level to be able to play them.

Domain Level: Measures how much of a Domain’s cards are playable by the player. Every card has a required domain level to play.

Dried: Terrain changes one step from Forest -> Grass -> Desert.

Enchantment: These modify the behavior of Entities, Spaces on the map or the entire world. Enchantments on Figures are removed from the game if the Figure is removed from the game.

Enters: If a Figure starts an action not in a given space but ends the action in that space, it is said to have Entered that space.

Entity: This is any Creature, Building, Enchantment, Corpse, or Ruin that exists in the World. Cards in your hand are not Entities.

Figure: This is either a Creature or a Building. Only one Figure can occupy a space at a time. Figures have 5 attributes called Figure Stats.

Figure Stats: Attack, Health, Max Health, Vision, Speed and Range. A Figure's stats are displayed on the bottom of the card. Other entities or stat tokens may modify these values.

Flux: This is a measure of magical energy. It is used to cast cards and do other things within the game. At the start of each round, each player gets 2 Flux plus 1 Flux for each Flux Well they control.

Flux Well: These are sources of Flux. They give one Flux to the controller of the space they are in. The person that controls the most Flux Wells after end of any round gains 2 Glory.

Glory: This is a measure of how well players are doing in the game. Each player has some number of Glory. The first player to reach 20 glory wins the game. Glory is gained by controlling more flux points than the opponent or through certain Entities.

Greened: Terrain changes one step from Desert -> Grass -> Forest.

Hex: A space on the map.

Health: The amount of damage a Figure can take before been destroyed.

Living: A Creature that isn't Undead, a Construct, an Angel or a Demon.

Lowered: Terrain changes one step from Mountains -> Hills -> Plains -> Swamp -> Ocean.

Melee: A hand to hand attack against another Figure. In order to melee another Figure the attacking Figure must be able to move into the space of its victim. Anytime a Figure melees it becomes vulnerable to Battle Back.

Play: [FIXME]To move a card from your hand and bring it onto the map for use.

Raised: Terrain changes one step from Ocean -> Swamp -> Plains -> Hills -> Mountain.

Range: The number of spaces or hexes around a figure in which it can attack other figures without meleeing.

Round: When a player is done with his actions he passes. When all the players have passed a new round begins. After every round each player gets Flux, Figures with less than 1 Health are Destroyed, Entities undim, etc.

Ruin: When a Building is Destroyed or Sacrificed it becomes a ruin.

Sacrifice: Entity you control is removed from the game. When Creatures are sacrificed they leave a Corpse, when Buildings are sacrificed they leave a Ruin. Effects that happen on destroy are not triggered.

Similar: A similar player is a player that is within 100 points of your rating. Players similar to you have their names highlighted in green in the lobby.

Speed: Determines the distance that a Figure can move. Figures can only melee Figures in hexes that they can move to. A Figure with 0 speed cannot move or melee attack.

Speed cost: Each hex has a speed penalty. A Figure can only move to hexes that have total movement penalty less than or equal to its speed.

Stat token: Token that increase or decrease Figure Stats.

Taken: Entity and anything enchanting it is taken out of play. It isn't affected by any other Entity. No events such as end or start or round affect the Entity. When Entity is replaced in play it comes back with any tokens enchantments or damage it had when it was taken.

Undimmed: Entity isn't dimmed. Meaning it can still perform actions this Round that will dim the Entity. For example a Creature that is undimmed can still move or attack.

Vision: The area that a Figure can see unaided. This is one of the base stats.


(landtype)Stride (Foreststride, Desertstride, Mountainstride, Hillstride, Swampstride): Figure has no movement penalty to move through the chosen (landtype) F.E: foreststride makes it so that the figure has no moving penalty through forest and every space with forest have speed cost 1.

Aloft: Figure flies. It can't be the target of melee attacks from ground creatures unless it has made a melee attack on a ground creature this round. Figure's move not affected by terrain.

Armor (X): Figure takes X less damage from every attack.

Aquatic: Figure spawns in any water not that not under enemy control. Figure can move in water spaces and will lose 2 health if it ends its turn on a land space.

Battle Ready: If Figure is Meleed it will deal damage to the attacker equal to its attack.

Entrench: If Figure is undimmed at end of round add an entrenchment token. If figure is moved to a new space it loses all entrenchment tokens.

Fear (X): No non-construct Creature of a different Domain will move within X spaces of Figure with Fear.

Flanking: Figure gains +1 attack if attacking a figure adjacent to another figure you control.

Heal (X): Figure regains X Health at the start of every round.

Hover: Figure's move is not effected by terrain ( speed cost of all hexes is 1, but unit still can't move over water ).

Isolation(X): Figure can't use any abilities if it is within X spaces of another Figure.

Lifespan(X): Entity gain an Age token at the start of the round. If the Entity has X Age tokens or more it is destroyed.

Reload (X): Anytime this Figure is undimmed at the end of the round it gets a reload counter. If it becomes dimmed it loses all reload counters. It can't attack unless it has X reload counters.

Salvage: Entity starts with Flux tokens equal to its Flux cost. Entity loses a Flux token at the start of every round. If Entity is removed but not sacrificed by the caster, the caster gains 1 Flux for each Flux token left on Entity. (The casting cost of Entities in play with Salvage is reduced by 1 for every Flux token)

Sleep: Entities with Sleep tokens that are undimmed lose a Sleep token and dim. They also lose a Sleep token any time they take damage.

Swims: Figure can be played and can move on land or water spaces. Water spaces cost 2 speed to move across.

Unique: There can only be one of these in play at any time. The 2nd wont be allowed to be cast if one already exists.

Wither (X): Figure takes X damage at the start of the round.