4 flux, X domain
Creature Construct
2 attack / 2 toughness / 4 movement / 4 vision / 0 range
Dim: Choose a target hex within 3 hexes of Iron Praire Dog.. Iron Praire Dog is taken. One turn later, Iron Praire Dog is placed undimmed in chosen hex. If that hex is occupied, choose another target hex within 3 of previously chosen hex. Iron Praire Dog is taken and appears one turn later in chosen hex.
2 flux: Dim another Iron Prairie Dog that you control within 3 hexes. Both Iron Prairie Dogs are taken. Two turns later, the two taken Iron Prairie Dogs and a new Iron Prairie Dog are randomly placed undimmed in valid hexes within 3 hexes of previously taken Iron Prairie Dogs.
Prairie dogs get busy undergroundAttachment:
tfw-ironprairiedogs.jpg [ 195.21 KiB | Viewed 9055 times ]