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 Post subject: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:47 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:32 am
Posts: 22
No one uses disenchant and Restore Nature's balance in constructed. Why? They are way too expensive to cast when compared to their typical targets. MF has the only usable anti-enchantment card atm, Negate, and that one is very good against any other card type too.

Most of the widely used and best enchantments cost 2 flux: Training, Iron Gate, Entangle, Bear Strength, Planar Rift, Possession, Arid Encroachment, Wandering Whorl. A few good ones do cost 3, like Attrition, Living Monument, Shroud of Blackness, Icy Encasement, but these are much rarer to encounter. Sure, some good enchantments cost even more than 3, but they won't be seen in more than perhaps 20% of matches at most.

Now why would anyone pack spells that have a perhaps 30% chance to remain useless for the whole game, and even in the best scenario, they clogg your hand until your opponent casts an annoying enchantment you can then remove, giving him a flux advantage of 1 in most cases. It would make sense if disenchant was only 1 flux and maybe an additional domain level, although some of the most expensive enchantments like Greening might become too risky to cast.

Restore Nature's Balance is even worse than Disenchant. How often do you encounter situations, where the opponent has at least 2 troublesome enchantments in play, you have none and can afford to cast a level 3 spell for 4 flux? Even in those situations, it's just ok, not extremely powerful or anything. Most of the times you can't afford to wait until the opponent has 2 enchantments while he is beating everything up with a trained flame ent, and end up casting it just to destroy one enchantment. Restore would be usable if it was only 2 flux, then it would make sense...

 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:19 am 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
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Yeah, I'd really like to see some sort of anti-enchantment playable card for Sylvan and DL. Perhaps in the new expansion?

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

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 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:03 pm 
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Joined: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:01 pm
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Give it to them, and enchantments will become useless to play (especially against updated Restore)..
I myself use Disenchant in constructed atm, as then I can save Negates for other things... and for saving my building or getting rid of enemie's really annoying creature .. I think it's not that bad cost..

 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:21 pm 

Joined: Thu May 28, 2009 12:08 am
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I have 2 disenchants in my best deck. I used to have staggs in those spots but replaced them with disenchant. Primarily, this is to deal with decks that rely on world enchants. It is worth keeping around something that clogs your hand when it can ruin your opponent's strategy. The fact that it can be used on other annoying enchants is mostly a bonus. When I played sylvan, I used nature's balance, because it was essentially gg for benefits of spectacle decks.

 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:57 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:19 pm
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Restore Nature's Balance is a world annihilation card akin to Earthquake or Soul Plague. Today I lost a game that I was winning 19 to 1 when restore natures balance eliminated 3 solstices, 2 attritions, an icy encasement and sigvatr's arena. It seemed like a very strong play at the time for the bargain basement cost of 4 flux.

 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:44 pm 
The Dark Platypus
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Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:48 am
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But EVERYONE plays creatures and buildings.. and you KNOW that those two cards will be effective against just about any opponent. Not so with Restore Nature's Balance.

In most cases, if you need to play it, by the time you play it, game's already over.

Altren wrote:
I agree with Keyser, and that's what I'm planning to implement actually.

|| The Rise of the DCC | Plasmatium Netherious | Tastes Like Chicken | The Astridian Conspiracy ||

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 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:02 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:28 pm
Posts: 64
there aren't enough problematic enchantments to make enchantment kill efficient. i used to pack 1 restore nature's balance when the benefits of spectacle deck existed, but now it's not worth it. that doesn't necessarily mean that the enchantment kill is too weak. it probably means that there aren't enough enchantments out there for it to be worth it. yes, it's true that negate is very versatile/awesome/etc but people rarely lose a game due to the opponent's overpowering enchantment.... if they were to print more dangerous enchantments then (assuming those enchantments were costed fairly) restore nature's balance and disenchant would probably get you good value.... I don't see a problem in any of that.

 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:35 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:19 pm
Posts: 55
Even if no one's playing multiple enchantments in games now, it looks like "The wilds" is going to make this card a must have. There's simply no other way to get through barrier peaks, attrition, the nothing, and foul termite anything, etc. that a skilled player can lay down en masse.

 Post subject: Re: Casting cost of Nature's Balance and Disenchant
 Post Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:48 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:28 pm
Posts: 64
haha if you can make three buildings in the first place, and get your avatar figure in range to restore nature's balance...

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