Vampires aren't that strong, believe me.. but I am about to do exactly the same, Keyser

7) CI 3 domains with Trade Routes and stuff like Paladin of Xosa (Illithid)
8) CI + ele in any combination (me, Far)
9) MF + ele (Vapor, Fort) many variations on well known and hated combo

(WrathOfGods, Themist)
10) MF rush (emancipate is a specialist on this one, question him)
11) MF + CI tought creatures - my speciality, but I don't play it much tho. It needs to draw Ord Stones to work
12) CI Psions deck - Exalted One is a real killer! (but this one is pretty hard to do, Themist I think have one good)
13) Altren's MF + ele, deadly one especially in his hands
14) pure ele - Melds (yaron) of course, mea culpa!
...well I think it's enough for now

sorry if I've messed names, or forgotten to list someone
15) sylvan + Chaos (Vessel of Cathil) - grug. I really really hate that one